Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Blokdyk, Gerardus. Google Classroom Complete Self-Assessment Guide. 5STARCooks, 2018. Clark, Holly, Tanya Avrith, Felisa Ford, Joe Merrill, Kristin Merrill, and Natasha Rachell. The Microsoft Infused Classroom: A Guidebook to Making Thinking Visible and Amplifying Student Voice Paperback . Elevate Books Edu, 2020. Dechev, Yavor, Borislav Nikolov, and Dean Stoeff. "Integrating Microsoft Office 365 and Apache OpenMeetings with Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy's Moodle-based learning management system." In Seventh National Conference on E-Learning in Higher Education Institutions. Borovets, 2018. Ferreira, Joao. Hands-On Microsoft Teams: A practical guide to enhancing enterprise collaboration with Microsoft Teams and Office 365 Paperback . Packt Publishing, 2020. Graf, Sabine. Adaptivity in Learning Management Systems focusing on Learning Styles. Vienna: Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics, 2007. Graf, Sabine, Silvia Rita Viola, Tommaso Leo, and Kinshuk. "In-Depth Analysis of the Felder-Silverman Learning Style Dimensions." Journal of Research on Technology in Education 40, no. 1 (2007). Hubbard, Melissa, and Matthew Bailey. Mastering Microsoft Teams: End User Guide to Practical Usage, Collaboration, and Governance. 1st ed. Apress, 2020. Moore, Kevin, Frank Hanfland, Lisa Young, and Lance Dublin. Handbook of e-Learning. The eLearning Guild. Santa Rosa, CA: The eLearning Guild, 2007. Scriven, Michael. Evaluation Thesaurus. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1991. Shank, Patti, and Amy Sitze. Making Sense of Online Learning: A Guide for the Beginners and the Truly Skeptical . Pfeiffer, 2004. Number of Internet Users Worldwide from 2005 to 2018 (in Millions). Statista, 2020. Sfakianakis, Andreas, Christos Douligeris, and Louis Marinos. ENISA Threat Landscape Report 2018 15 Top Cyberthreats and Trends. ENISA, 2019. Cybersecuritymonitor 2019. CBS, 2019. Cybersecurity Awareness en Skills in Nederland. TNS NIPO, 2020. Rasmussen, Jens. "Skills, Rules, and Knowledge; Signals, Signs, and Symbols, and Other Distinctions in Human Performance Models." Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions On SMC 13, no. 2 (1983): 257-66. Worsley, Anthony. "Nutrition Knowledge and Food Consumption: Can Nutrition Knowledge Change Food Behaviour?" Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 11, no. 3 (2002). Durojaiye, Oyewole. "Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of HIV/AIDS: Behavior Change among Tertiary Education Students in Lagos, Nigeria." Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 4, no. 1 (2011): 18-24. Ben-Asher, Noam, and Cleotilde Gonzalez. "Effects of Cyber Security Knowledge on Attack Detection." Computers in Human Behavior 48 (2015): 51-61. Bitton, Ron, Kobi Boymgold, Rami Puzis, and Asaf Shabtai. "Evaluating the Information Security Awareness of Smartphone Users." arXiv:1906.10229 (2019). Siponen, Mikko. "Five Dimensions of Information Security Awareness." ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society 31, no. 2 (2001): 24-29. Ahlan, Abdul Rahman, Muharman Lubis, and Arif Ridho Lubis. "Information Security Awareness at the Knowledge-Based Institution: Its Antecedents and Measures." Procedia Computer Science 72 (: 72 (2015): 361-73. Bada, Maria, Angela Sasse, and Jason Nurse. Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns: Why Do They Fail to Change Behaviour? In the International Conference on Cyber Security for Sustainable Society., 2017. Caldwell, Tracey. "Making Security Awareness Training Work." Computer Fraud and Security 6 (2016): 8-14. Siponen, Mikko, Adam Mahmood, and Seppo Pahnila. "Employees’ Adherence to Information Security Policies: An Exploratory Field Study." Information and Management 51, no. 2 (2014): 217-24. Aronson, Elliot, and Timothy Wilson. Sociale Psychologie. Amsterdam: Pearson Benelux, 2017. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 … следваща › последна »