Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Klenke, Achim. Probability Theory: A Comprehensive Course. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013. Petrivskyi, Volodymyr, Victor Shevchenko, Oleksiy Bychkov, and Maksym Brazhenenko. Information technology of the increasing sensors term of use considering their movement In 2020 IEEE XVIth International Conference on the Perspective Technologies and Meth-ods in MEMS Design (MEMSTECH). Lviv, Ukraine, 2020. Petrivskyi, Volodymyr, Victor Shevchenko, and Maksym Brazhenenko. "Increase the operation time of sensors by regulating power consumption." Information processing systems 3, no. 158 (2019): 36-41. Pyykköa, Harri, Jarkko Kuusijärvib, Bilhanan Silverajanc, and Ville Hinkkaa. The Cyber Threat Preparedness in the Maritime Logistics Industry In 8th Transport Research Arena. Helsinki, Finland, 2020. DiRenzo, Joseph, Dana A. Goward, and Fred S. Roberts. "The little-known challenge of maritime cyber security." In 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA)., 2015. Cybersecurity in the shipping industry In Capital Link Cyprus Shipping Forum, Deloitte., 2019. Baskar, Kala, and Mahesh Balakris. "Cyber Preparedness in Maritime Industry." nternational Journal of Scientific and Technical Advancements 5, no. 2 (2019): 19-28. Hyra, Bartlomiej. Analyzing the Attack Surface of Ships In DTU Compute Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science . Kongens Lyngby: Technical University of Denmark, 2019. Abraham, Subil, and Suku Nair. "A Predictive framework for cybersecurity analytics using attack graphs." International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) 7, no. 1 (2015). 8 Maritime Systems That Ensures Ship Safety and Security. Marin Insight, 2020. Melnick, Jeff. Top 10 Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks. Netwrix Blog, 2020. The guidelines on cybersecurity onboard ships In version 3. BIMCO, 2018. How Big a Problem is Maritime Cyber Security. Videotel, 2019. Yin, Lihua, Yanwei Sun, Zhen Wang, Yunchuan Guo, Fenghua Li, and BinxingFang. "Security Measurement for Unknown Threats Based on Attack Preferences." Hindawi Security and Communication Networks (2018). Kim, Dohoon. "Decision-Making Method for Estimating Malware Risk Index." Applied Sciences 9, no. 22 (2019): 4943. Shahzad, Malik, Kaleem Awan, and Mohammed A. Al Ghamdi. "Understanding the Vulnerabilities in Digital Components of an Integrated Bridge System (IBS)." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7, no. 10 (2019). Shahzad, Malik, Kaleem Awan, Pete Burnap, and Omer Rana. "Identifying cyber risk hotspots: A framework for measuring temporal variance in computer network risk." Elsevier, Computers & Security 57 (2016): 31-46. Callegari, Christian, Stefano Giordano, and Michele Pagano. "An information-theoretic method for the detection of anomalies in network traffic." Elsevier, Computers & Security 70 (2017): 351-365. Palikaris, Athanasios, and Athanasios K. Mavraeidopoulos. "Electronic Navigational Charts: International Standards and Map Projections." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (2020): 248. Balduzzi, Marco, Kyle Wilhoit, and Alessandro Pasta. A Security Evaluation of AIS. TrendMicro, 2016. Munro, Ken. Hacking, tracking, stealing and sinking ships. Pen Test Partners, Blog: Maritime Cyber Security, 2018. Si, Katherine. Cosco Shipping Port sells port assets to SIPG. Seatrade Maritime, 2019. Busch, Gary. America’s failed seaports – Trump’s ‘America First’ policy isn’t the only barrier to free trade. Lima Charlie News, 2020. Svilicic, Boris, David Brčić, Srdjan ŽuŁkin, and David Kalebic. "Raising Awareness on Cyber Security of ECDIS." Transnav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation 13, no. 1 (2019). Balduzzi, Marco, Alessandro Pasta, and Kyle Wilhoit. A security evaluation of AIS automated identification system In ACSAC '14, 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference., 2014. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 … следваща › последна »