Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Gómez-Restrepo, Jackelyne, and Myladis R. Cogollo-Flórez. "Detection of Fraudulent Transactions Through a Generalized Mixed Linear Models." Ingeniería y Ciencia 8, no. 16 (2012). Zandian, Zahra Karimi, and Mohammadreza Keyvanpour. "Systematic identification and analysis of different fraud detection approaches based on the strategy ahead ." International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 21, no. 2 (2017): 123-134. Lebichot, Bertrand. Network analysis based on bag-of-paths: classification, node criticality and randomized policies. Vol. Doctor of Engineering Science. Université catholique de Louvain, 2018. Triepels, Ron, Hennie Daniels, and Ronald Heijmans. Anomaly Detection in Real-Time Gross Settlement Systems In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017). Vol. 1., 2017. Beach, Scott R.. "The Role of Technology in Elder Abuse Research." In Elder Abuse, 201-214., 2017. Lia, Xingan, Henry Joutsijoki, Jorma Laurikkala, and Martti Juhola. "GDP Growth vs. Criminal Phenomena: Data Mining of Japan 1926-2013." AI & SOCIETY 33, no. 2 (2018): 261-274. Kavitha, M., and M. Suriakala. "Hybrid Multi-Level Credit Card Fraud Detection System by Bagging Multiple Boosted Trees (BMBT)." In IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC). Coimbatore, India , 2017. Manjula, D., and J. Thilagavathi. "A Study on False Positive Reduction in Unbalanced Datasets through SVM Using Cost Based Learning." International Journal of Trend in Research and Development 2, no. 6 (2015). Kumari, Priyanka, and Smita Prava Mishra. "Analysis of Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Fusion Classifiers." In Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, 111-122., 2018. Nami, Sanaz, and Mehdi Shajari. "Cost-sensitive payment card fraud detection based on dynamic random forest and k-nearest neighbors." Expert Systems with Applications 110 (2018): 381-392. Gayathri, C, and R Umarani. "Forecasting Of Automatic Relevance Determination For Feature Selection (FARD-FS) In Financial Fraud Detection." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (2016). Yailymova, Hanna, Hongji Yang, and Volodymyr Zaslavskyi. "Models and Methods in Creative Computing: Diversity and Type-Variety Principle in Development of Innovation Solutions." In 14th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks & 2017 11th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology & 2017 Third International Symposium of Creative Computing (ISPAN-FCST-ISCC). Exeter, UK , 2017. Bouazza, Imane, El Bachir Ameur, and Farid Ameur. Datamining for Fraud Detecting, State of the Art In Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD’2018). Vol. 915., 2018. Zareapoor, Masoumeh, Pourya Shamsolmoali, and Afshar M. Alam. "Data Mining for Secure Online Payment Transaction Data Mining for Secure Online Payment Transaction." In Digital Currency: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice. IGI Global, 2019. Zaslavsky, Vladimir. System principles, mathematical models and methods to ensure high reliability of safety systems In Proc. SPIE 10418, XI Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems., 2017. Ismaila, W.O., Boniface Kayode Alese, Olajide Olusegun Adeosun, and OT Arulogun. Performance Evaluation of Unsupervised Neural Network in Fraud Detection., 2012. Ryman-Tubb, Nick F.. "Neural-Symbolic Processing in Business Applications: Credit Card Fraud Detection." In Computational Neuroscience for Advancing Artificial Intelligence: Models, Methods and Applications. IGI Global, 2011. Lee, Chae Chang, and Ji Won Yoon. "A novel statistical approach to detect card frauds using transaction patterns." IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E98D, no. 3 (2015): 649-660. Talavera, Alvaro, Luis Cano, David Paredes, and Mario Chong. "Data Mining Algorithms for Risk Detection in Bank Loans." In Information Management and Big Data, 151-159., 2018. K Young, Eun, Woong K Choi, and Taejin Lee K Go. "A Study on Financial Fraud Detection Method Using Machine Learning in Mobile Small-Amount Payment Service." International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology & Science(IJIRTS) (1910). Tukiman, Norbaiti, Norhaiza Ahmad, Suhana Mohamed, Zarith Sofiah Othman, CT Munirah Ni Shafee, and Zairi Ismael Rizman. "Credit Card Detection System Based on Ridit Approach." International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 7, no. 6 (2017): 2071-2077. Prakash, A.. "Analysis of the Modern Techniques and Methods on Credit Card Fraud Detection." International Journal for Research in Science Engineering and Technology 4, no. 6 (2017). Delamaire, Linda, Hussein Abdou, and John Pointon. "Credit card fraud and detection techniques: A review." Banks and Bank Systems 4, no. 2 (2009): 57 . Joshi, Vanita, and Alok Bansal. "Applicability of Artificial Neural Networks in Business." In Information Technology Issues & Challenges. India: Excel Books, 2009. F.Ryman-Tubb, Nick, Paul Krause, and Wolfgang Garn. "How Artificial Intelligence and machine learning research impacts payment card fraud detection: A survey and industry benchmark." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 76 (2018): 130-157. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 … следваща › последна »