Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Železnjak i crnogorska opozicija podržali referendum o NATO [Zeleznyak and the Montenegrin Opposition Backed a Referendum on NATO]. Blic, 2017. Tomović, Predrag. Moskva prijeti najmlađoj NATO članici [Moscow Threatens the Youngest NATO Member]. Radio Slobodna Evropa, 2017. Moskva: Imamo pravo da odgovorimo na neprijateljsku politiku Podgorice [Moscow: We Have the Right to Respond to the Hostile Policies of Podgorica]. Portal Vijesti, 2017. Crosby, Alan, and Lela Scepanovic. Kremlin’s Diplomatic Sour Grapes Leave Bad Taste for Montenegrin Winemaker. Radio Free Europe, 2017. Montenegro’s Accession to NATO is ‘One of the Biggest Betrayals in History’. Sputnik News, 2017. Knezevic, Gordana. Moscow Bad-Mouths Montenegro, But Russians Still Flocking to Its Beaches. Radio Free Europe, 2017. "Đukić potpisao osnivanje Prave Crne Gore [Djukic Signed the Founding of True Montenegro]." Pobjeda (2018): 3. Tomović, Predrag. Crna Gora protjeruje ruskog diplomatu [Montenegro Expels a Russian Diplomat]. Radio Slobodna Evropa, 2018. McCain, John. "McCain Flashback: Russia Threat is Dead Serious. Montenegro Coup and Murder Plot Proves It." USA Today (2017). Galeotti, Mark. Controlling Chaos: How Russia Manages Its Political War in Europe In Policy Brief. London: European Council on Foreign Relations, 2017. Elewa, Akinwande A.. Remote Sensing and Detection of Oil Spill Dispersions., 2010. Longstaff, Patricia H., Nicholas J. Armstrong, Keli Perrin, Whitney May Parker, and Matthew A. Hidek. "Building Resilient Communities: A Preliminary Framework for Assessment." Homeland Security Affairs VI, no. 3 (2010). Ekengren, Magnus. "A return to geopolitics? The future of the security community in the Baltic Sea Region." Global Affairs 4, no. 4-5 (2018). Balabán, Miloš, and Bohuslav Pernica. Bezpečnostní systém ČR: problémy a výzvy. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press, 2015. Amatulli, Giuseppe, and Joëlle Klein. "Community security of indigenous peoples in the Barents Region." In Society, Environment and Human Security in the Arctic Barents Region. London: Routledge, 2018. Omelicheva, Mariya Y.. Counterterrorism Policies in Central Asia. London, U.K.: Routledge, 2010. Ak, Tarık. "Dünyada iç güvenlik yaklaşiminin değişimi ve iç güvenlik yönetimine etkisi." Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 3, no. 6 (2018). Ak, Tarık. "Toplumsal Güvenlik Bağlamında İç Güvenlik Yaklaşımı." Akademik Hassasiyetler 5, no. 10 (2018). Dimov, Stefan L.. Assessing the threat of islamically motivated terrorism in Bulgaria. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2015. Minchev, Zlatogor. "Intelligent Scenario Development for Computer Assisted eXercises." In Scientific Support for the Decision Making in the Security Sector. IOS Press, 2006. Минчев, Златогор, Николай Павлов, Ирена Николова, Николай Томов, and Александър Цанков. Програмна структура на система за КПУ по управление в извънредни ситуации In Първа национална научно-практическа конференция по управление в издънредни ситуации и защита на населението. София: ИМИ - БАН, секция ИО, 2005. Alakpa, George Edafese U.. Perceptions of military personnel: Analysis of the Department of Defense's counter bioterrorism measures at the tactical level for the enhancement of civil security, leadership, management, and policy. Vol. Doctor of Science. New Jersey City University, 2015. Liberty, Arthur A.. Measuring the impact of 9/11 on the functionality of local emergency planning committees and the public disclosure of hazardous chemical information. Vol. Doctor of Science . New Jersey City University, 2015. Brázová, Věra – Karin. "Response of Central European Civil Security Systems to the Economic Crisis." Central European Journal of Public Policy 9, no. 2 (2015). Bernard, Gregory M.. Who is Professor Plum? A framework for defining non-state adversaries. Vol. Doctor of Science. New Jersey City University, 2016. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 … следваща › последна »