Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Duda, Sebastian. "Arbitration in Vienna dismissed the claim of the company Mr. Deripaska to Montenegro." Russia News Today (2017). Tomovic, Dusica. Russian Billionaire Sues Montenegro Over Lost Investment. Balkan Insight, 2016. Đuranović, Draško. Kad Moskva pozove [When Moscow Calls]. Portal Analitika, 2014. Rudović, Miloš. DNP sarađuje sa Putinovom partijom: Deklaracija potpisana uz blagoslov Amfilohija [DNP Cooperates with Putin’s Party: Declaration Signed with the Blessing of Amfilohije]. Portal Vijesti, 2016. ‘Braća po SPC ordenju’: Vujanović, Rešetnjikov, Velja Ilić … [‘Brothers by SPC Ordination’: Vujanović, Reshetnikov, Velja Ilić …]. Portal Analitika, 2014. Amfilohije osudio politiku Crne Gore prema Rusiji [Amfilohije Condemned Montenegro’s Policy Towards Russia]. Blic, 2014. Čepurin: CG u NATO-majmunska posla [Chepurin: Montenegro in NATO – Monkey Buisness]. RTCG, 2013. Nesterenko: Sankcije Crne Gore biće dio zajedničke istorije [Nesterenko: The Sanctions by Montenegro Will Be Part of the Common History]. Radio Televizija Republike Srpske, 2014. Redžić, Nebojša. Podgorica odgovara na kritiku Moskve [Podgorica responds to the Critique by Moscow]. Voice of America, 2014. Rukovodstvo SNP-a putuje u Moskvu da se ogradi od Đukanovića, Danilović tvrdi da se premijer preigrao [The Leadership of SNP Travels to Moscow to Demonstrate it Differs from Djukanovic, Danilovic Claims that the Prime Minister Has Overplayed It] In Portal Analitika. Portal Analitika, 2014. NATO’s Planned Balkan Expansion a ‘Provocation’: Russia’s Lavrov. Reuters, 2014. Are We Supposed to Betray Ourselves in Order to Avoid Betraying Russia?. Portal CDM, 2016. Statement by Montenegro’s Foreign Ministry Regarding DPM of Russia Dmitry Rogozin’s Claims. Government of Montenegro, 2016. Rešetnjikov: U Crnoj Gori može biti krvoprolića [Reshetnikov: There May Be a Bloodbath in Montenegro]. Portal Analitika, 2016. Bartz, Joachim, Arndt Ginzel, and Christian Rohde. Frisches Geld aus Moskau: Wie Russland antiwestliche Bewegungen in Europa finanziert [Fresh Money from Moscow: How Russia Funded Anti-Western Movements in Europe]. ZDF, 2017. Vasovic, Aleksandar. Montenegro PM Accuses Russia of Financing anti-NATO Campaign. Reuters, 2016. Mandić: Iscenirani, skandalozni državni udar u organizaciji Đukanovića produbio krizu u CG [Mandic: Staged, Scandalous State Coup Organized by Djukanovic Deepens the Crisis in Montenegro]. Portal Vijesti, 2016. Uz blagoslov Mitropolita Amfilohija potpisana Lovćenska deklaracija [The Lovcen Declaration was Signed with the Blessing of Bishop Amfilohije]. Demokratska narodna partija, 2016. Moscow Perplexed by Russia’s Accusation of Provoking Protests in Montenegro. Interfax, Russia beyond the Headlines, 2015. Krcic, Esad. Demokratski principi i ruski sentimenti [Democratic Principles and Russian Sentiments]. Radio Slobodna Evropa, 2016. Janković, Srđan. Pristupanje Crne Gore NATO savezu napreduje, opozicija oštro protiv [Montenegro’s Accession to the NATO Alliance is Progressing, the Opposition is Strongly Against]. Radio Slobodna Evropa, 2016. Brajović, Rada, and Savo Njunjić. Katnić: Politička struktura iz CG uključena u pokušaj rušenja vlasti [Katnić: A Political Organization in Montenegro is Involved in the Attempt to Destroy Government]. Portal Vijesti, 2016. Schindler, John R.. Putin’s Balkan Terror Plot Exposed. Observer, 2017. Russia Says It Won’t Extradite Suspect in Montenegro Alleged Coup Attempt. Radio Free Europe, 2017. Montenegro Accuses Russia of Masterminding Coup Attempt. Fox News, 2017. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 … следваща › последна »