Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Rus, Vasile. Language Processing Challenges and Solutions in Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Natural Language Interaction. University of Memphis, 2010. Burgos, Daniel. Extension of the IMS Learning Design Specification based on Adaptation and Integration of Units of Learning In Escuela politécnica superior, Departamento de informática. Vol. Doctor en ingeniería informáti. Leganés, Madrid, Spain: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2008. Mancas, Cătălina. "Best Practices in Distributed Learning Environments." ELearning & Software for Education 3 (2014): 272-279. Keough, Mark. Relationships - not technology - hold the key to Online Learning., 2014. Wimmer, April L.. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Air Force Foundational Cyberspace Training In Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering and Management. Vol. Master of Science in Cyber Warfare. Air Force Institute of Technology, Air University, 2012. Faneer, Musa Khalifa A.. Multimodal E-Learning: An Empirical Study In Department of Computer Sciences and Media Technology, Faculty of Technology. Vol. PhD. De Montfort University, 2015. Lis, Andrzej. " E-learning w organizacjach wojskowych: doświadczenia sojusznicze i wnioski dla sił zbrojnych (E-learning in Military Organisations: Lessons from the Allies and Recommendations for the Polish Armed Forces)." Studia Ekonomiczne 199 (2014): 134-145 . Shalamanov, Velizar. "Organising for IT Effectiveness, Efficiency and Cyber Resilience in the Academic Sector: National and Regional Dimensions." Information & Security: An International Journal 42 (2019): 49-66. The Bulgarian Institute of Public Administration (IPA)., 2019. State e-Government Agency., 2019. Sharkov, George. From Cybersecurity to Collaborative Resiliency In 2016 ACM Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense (SafeConfig '16). New York, NY, USA, 2016. eGovLab., 2019. IPA Catalogue., 2018. InnoCenter Bulgaria., 2019. The Defence Innovation Greenhouse., 2019. Kopchev, Valeri. "The European Union Moves Ahead on Cybersecurity Research Through Enhanced Cooperation and Coordination." Information & Security: An International Journal 42 (2019): 67-81. Atanassov, Ventzislav. "Implementation Hierarchy and CIO Organization in Bulgaria’s Public Administration." Information & Security: An International Journal 42 (2019): 83-94. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council: Establishing the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and the Network of National Coordination Centres. Brussels, 2018. Bekiarova, Natalia, and Marin Petkov. "Opportunities for Development of Defense Cooperation between Southeastern European Countries." Journal of Innovations and Sustainability 4 (2018): 39-51. Minchev, Zlatogor, and Mitko Bogdanoski. Countering Terrorist Activities in Cyberspace In NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics. Vol. 139. IOS Press, 2018. Matern, Silvia. "e-Platform for IT Personnel Development: Addressing the most Strategic Challenge in the Cyber Domain – People." Information & Security: An International Journal 42 (2019): 95-116. Ihia, Marouane, and Omar Khadir. "Amelioration of ElGamal Digital Signature Schemes." Information & Security: An International Journal 42 (2019): 117-126. Fuentes, Gonzalo Álvarez, and Margarita Figueroa Sepúlveda. "América Latina y el desafío de la planificación basada en capacidades. Aportes preliminares desde la experiencia de Chile." Revista Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad 14, no. 1 (2019). Dezhu, Dai. "On the particularity of privacy and legislative issues in e-government (论电子政务中的特殊性隐私及其立法问题)." Theoretical Monthly 7 (2009): 103-106. Warf, Barney. E-Government in Asia: Origins, Politics, Impacts, Geographies. Chandos Publishing, 2016. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 … следваща › последна »