Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Подгорнов, А, and К Синица. "Object Orchestrator—приложение для создания и поддержки учебного материала." Образовательные технологии и общество 8, no. 3 (2005). de Oliveira, Francisco H. ´elio, Lais Nascimento Salvador, and Renato Lima Novais. Um Experimento com a Ontologia IMS LD na Construç ao de Modelos Conceituais para E-learning., 2012. Workman, Timothy Peter. Exploring a Transactional Distance-Based Management Model to Improve Perception of Efficacy Within Designated Corporate Collaboration Communities In Centre for distance education. Vol. Doctor of education. Athabasca University, 2017. Hilmi, Mohd Faiz, Shahrier Pawanchik, Yanti Mustapha, and Hafizi Muhamad Ali. "Information Security Perspective of a Learning Management System: An Exploratory Study." International Journal of Knowledge Society Research 4, no. 2 (2013). Kouhi-Esfahani, Marzieh. Iran's Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus: Relations with Azerbaijan and Armenia. Routledge, 2019. Wilczyński, Piotr L.. "International Recognition as a Tool of Military Conflicts Solution." European Journal of Geopolitics 6 (2018): 66-87. de Freitas, Sara. Learning in immersive worlds: A review of game-based learning In Prepared for the JISC e-Learning Programme. JISC, 2006. D’Mello, Sidney, Andrew Olney, Claire Williams, and Patrick Hays. "Gaze tutor: Agaze-reactive intelligent tutoring system." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 70 (2012): 377-398. D'Mello, Sidney, and Art Graesser. "AutoTutor and affective autotutor: Learning by talking with cognitively and emotionally intelligent computers that talk back." ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) - Special issue on highlights of the decade in interactive intelligent systems 2, no. 4 (2012). Graesser, Arthur, Patrick Chipman, and Brandon King. "Computer-mediated technologies." In Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology. Third ed. Routledge, 2008. D.Craig, Scotty, Xiangen Hu, Arthur C.Graesser, Anna E.Bargagliott, Allan Sterbinsky, Kyle R. Cheney, and Theresa Okwumabua. "The impact of a technology-based mathematics after-school program using ALEKS on student's knowledge and behaviors." Computers & Education 68, no. 68 (2013): 495-504. Graesser, Arthur, and Brandon King. "Technology-based training." In Human Behavior in Military Contexts. National Academies Press, 2008. Chrysafiadi, Konstantina, and Maria Virvou. Advances in Personalized Web-Based Education. Springer, 2014. Woehle, Ralph, and Andrew Quinn. "An Experiment Comparing HBSE Graduate Social Work Classes: Face‐to‐Face and at a Distance." Journal of Teaching in Social Work 29, no. 4 (2009): 418-430. Hoffman, Robert, and Paul Feltovich. Accelerated Proficiency and Facilitated Retention: Recommendations Based on an Integration of Research and Findings from a Working Meeting. Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, 2010. D'Mello, Sidney, Blair Lehman, and Natalie Person. Expert Tutors FeedbackI s Immediate, Direct, and Discriminating In Twenty-Third International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2010)., 2010. Olney, Andrew M.. "GnuTutor: An Open Source Intelligent Tutoring System Based on AutoTutor." In Cognitive and Metacognitive Educational Systems: Papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium (FS-09-02)., 2009. Hoffman, Robert R., and Paul Ward. "Mentoring: A Leverage Point for Intelligent Systems?" IEEE Intelligent Systems 30, no. 5 (2015): 78-84. Hoffman, Robert R., Paul Ward, Paul J. Feltovich, Lia DiBello, Stephen M. Fiore, and Dee H. Andrews. Accelerated Expertise: Training for High Proficiency in a Complex World. Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis, 2014. Robbins, Nathaniel J.. An analysis of personalized learning systems for Navy training and education settings. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2016. Graesser, Arthur C., David Lin, and Sidney D’Mello. "Computer learning environments with agents that support deep comprehension and collaborative reasoning." In Generalization of Knowledge: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Psychology Press, 2010. Wisher, Robert, and Michael Freeman. "The US Reserve component: Training strategies for adapting to deployment." In Military Life: The Psychology of Servingi Peace and Combat Military Culture. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006. J. Fletcher, Dexter. The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Vision and Getting From Here To There. Institute for Defense Analyses, 2006. Burgos, Daniel, Ambjörn Naeve, Milos Kravcik, Alexandra Cristea, Hubert Vogten, Marcus Specht, Colin Tattersall, and Paul Lefrere. Integration of adaptive learning processes with IMS Learning Design considering corporate requirements In Research report of the ProLearn Network of Excellence., 2007. Obeng-Dompreh, Sam. The Impact of Servicemembers’ Learning Styles and Computer Anxiety Levels on Computer-Mediated Learning. Vol. Doctor of education in educational leadership. University of Phoenix, 2008. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 … следваща › последна »