Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications The draft of the European Security Treaty. website of the President of the Russian Federation, 2009. Medvedev i Saakashvili schitajut, chto nereshaemych problem v otnoshenii RF i Gruzii net [Medvedev and Saakashvili think that there are no insoluble problems between the Russian Federation and Georgia]. Izvestia, 2008. Krupnye vojennye uchenija “Kavkaz-2008” prochodiat na juge Rossii [Massive Military Exercises “Caucasus 2008” Are Going on to the South of Russia]. Pervyj kanal, 2008. Van Herpen, Marcel H.. Putin’s War. The Rise of Russia’s New Imperialism. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefied, 2015. Cohen, Ariel, and Robert E. Hamilton. The Russian Military and the Georgia War: Lessons and Implications. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2011. Jarosiewicz, Aleksandra. Azerbejdżan – narastający problem dla Zachodu [Azerbaijan – A Growing Problem for the West] In Komentarze. Warsaw: Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich [Centre for Eastern Studies], 2014. Barabanov, Michail, Anton Lavrov, and Viaczeslav Celuyko. Tanki avgusta. Sbornik statiey [The Tanks of August: A Compendium of Articles]. Centr Analiza Stratiegiy i Tehnologiy [Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies], 2009. Cyganok, A.D.. Voyna na Kavkaze 2008: russkiy vzgljad. Gruzino-osietinskaja vojna 8–13 avgusta 2008 goda [War in the Caucasus 2008: Russian Views. Georgian-Ossetian War of August 8-13, 2008]. Moscow: AIRO-XX, 2011. Legucka, Agnieszka. "Konflikty zbrojne jako instrument wpływu Federacji Rosyjskiej na obszarze poradzieckim. Wnioski dla Ukrainy i Polski [Armed Conflicts as an Instrument of Influence of the Russian Federation on the Post-Soviet Area. Consequences for Ukraine and Poland]." In Polska – Rosja. Perspektywa sąsiedzka [Poland – Russia. Neighborhood Perspective], 23. Siedlce, Poland:: Siedlce Pracownia Wydawnicza Wydzialu Haministycznego UPH, 2015. Krym. Vozvrashchenie domoy. Specialnyi reportazh [Crimea. Returning Home. Special Reportage]. TV Center, 2014. Rossiya vlozhyt 15 mlrd doll. v cennye bumagi ukrainskogo pravitelstva [Russia will invest 15 billion dollars in securities of the Ukrainian Government]. UNIAN, 2013. Zasedanije mezhdunarodnogo diskussionnogo kluba «Valday» [Meeting of the International Discussion Club ‘Valday’] In September 19, 2013. website of the President of the Russian Federation, 2013. Solovjev, Vladimir, and Nikolay Zlobin. Russkiy virazh. Kuda idet Rossiya? [Russian Turn: Where is Russia Going?]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2014. Aksenov: arest Kievom imushchestva Kryma– vystrel vcholostuju [Aksenov: Arrest by Kyiv of Crimean Property – A Blank Shot]., 2015. Kontr-admiral Berezovskiy pytalsia zachvatit’ stab VMS Ukrainy [Rear Admiral Berezovskiy Tried to Seize the Headquarters of the Ukrainian navy]. Fakty i Kommentarii, 2014. Stempień, Marta. "Interesy wywiadowcze Federacji Rosyjskiej na Bliskim Wschodzie w kontekście konfliktu syryjskiego [Intelligence Interests of the Russian Federation in the Middle East in the Context of the Syrian Conflict]." Secretum 1, no. 4 (2016): 119-130. Trenin, Dmitriy. Rossiya i mir v XXI veke [Russia and the World in the Twenty First Century]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2016. Putin, Vladimir. Novyi integracyonnyi proekt dlja Evrazii – budushchee, kotoroe rohzdaetsia segodnia [The New Integration Project for Eurasia: The Future Born Today]. Izvestia, 2011. Zurcher, Anthony. Ukraine’s nuclear regret?. BBC News, 2014. Ivanova, Dina. Vossoyedineniye s Rossiey: krymchane chotyat vosstanovit’ istoricheskuyu spravedlivost [Reunion with Russia: Crimeans Want to Restore Hystorical Justice]., 2014. Minkina, Mirosław. Sztuka wywiadu w państwie współczesnym [The Art of Intelligence in the Modern State]. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza “Rytm”, 2014. Cunningham, Finian. Europe Revolts Against Russian Sanctions. Strategic Culture Foundation, 2016. Arween, Ahmad Mustafa. The role of multilateral cooperation in fighting against transnational terrorism; the case of Shanghai Cooperation organization In School of Humanities And Social Sciences, International Relations And Diplomacy. Vol. Master. Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic Khazar University, 2018. Pendergast, Stephen. Multisensor fusion for airport surface movement area surveillance and safety In SPIE 4731, Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications VI., 2002. Westenberger, Antje. Simultane Zustands- und Existenzsch¨atzung mit chronologisch ungeordneten Sensordaten f¨ur die Fahrzeugumfelderfassung In Fakult¨at f¨ur Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik. Vol. Doktor-Ingenieurs. Universit¨at Ulm, 2014. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 … следваща › последна »