Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Bjergene, Ann-Kristin. "General Challenges of Intelligence Service Reform." In Proceedings from the Third International Conference “Governance and Reform of State Security Services: Best Practices", 41-45. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2016. Chitaladze, Anna, and Tatevik Grigoryan. "Understanding Europeanization in Georgia and Armenia – Discourses, Perceptions and the Impact on Bilateral Relations." Analytical Bulletin 8 (2015): 29-54. "Kyiv International Institute for Sociology Nation-wide poll." Interfax Ukraine, Yevropeyska Pravda (2018). Razumkov Centre., 2018. Citizens of Ukraine on Security: Personal, National, and its Elements. Results of a nationwide sociological survey conducted by the Razumkov Centre, Kyiv 2016. DCAF-Geneva, Rzaumkov Centre, 2017. Reytyng Presydenta katastrofichno padaye. Esspresso TV, 2017. Risse, Thomas. European Institutions and Identity Change: What Have We Learned?., 2003. Snowden, David J., and Mary E. Boone. "A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making." Harvard Business Review (2007). Making the System Work. Enhancing Security Assistance for Ukraine (Transparency International Defence and Security and Transparency International Ukraine)., 2017. Wolczuk, Kataryna, and Darius Žeruolis. Rebuilding Ukraine An Assessment of EU Assistance In Chatham House Research Paper., 2018. Usman, A. H., and R. Wazir. "The Fabricated Hadith: Islamic Ethics and Guidelines of Hadith Dispersion in Social Media." The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC Special Edition (2018): 804-808. Persoglia, D. Between Defence and Offence: An Analysis of the US 'Cyber Strategic Culture' In International Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (SECINTEL). Vol. MSc. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, Charles University, 2018. Çelik, Turgay, Bedi̇r Tekinerdogan, and Kayhan M. İmre. "Deriving Feasible Deployment Alternatives for Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems." ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 23, no. 3 (2013): Article No. 18 . Smirnov, Alexander, Alexey Kashevnik, Nikolay Shilov, and Nikolay Teslya. "Context-based access control model for smart space ." In 2013 5th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CYCON 2013) . Tallinn, Estonia: IEEE , 2013. Vieira, Vivian Patricia P.. "O Papel da Comunicação Digital na Primavera Árabe: Apropriação e Mobilização Social." In V Congresso da Compolítica. Curitiba/PR, 2013. Kalinov, Kalin. "The Asymmetric Nature of Terrorist Organisations and Its Impact on Maritime Security System Structure." In Piracy and Maritime Terrorism: Logistics, Strategies, Scenarios. IOS Press, 2012. Thoms, Gavin A.. "Situation Awareness - a Commander’s View." In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium., 2003. Passinen, Pekka. Menetelmiä joukon elektronisen aktiivisuuden arvioimiseksi : informaatioteoreettinen näkökulma. Heinäkuu: Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu, 2011. Gurunath, R., K.R. Anil Kumar, and S.K. Srivatsa. "Critical evaluation of vital role of human beings and computer systems in decision making process." International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) 3, no. 1 (2014). Antelava, Natalia. Stalin Still Revered in Georgia. BBC News, 2002. Abuladze, Tengiz. Pokajanie [Repentance]. Tbilisi: Kartuli Pilmi studio, 1987. Mearsheimer, John J.. "Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West’s Fault." Foreign Affairs 93, no. 5 (2014): 77-89. Minkina, Mirosław. "NATO i UE w nowej rzeczywistości po aneksji Krymu [NATO and the EU in the New Reality after the Annexation of Crimea]." De Securitate et Defensione. O Bezpieczeństwie i Obronności 1, no. 1 (2015): 9-16. Putin ne zajavljal o tom, chto Ukraina ne javljaetsia gosudarstwom [Putin Did Not Claim that Ukraine Is not a State]., 2008. Vsya kriemlevskaya rat’. Kratkaja istorija sovremennoy Rossii [All the Kremlin’s Army: Brief History of Contemporary Russia]. Moscow: Alpina Digital, 2016. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 … следваща › последна »