Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Matthews, Owen. "Russia’s Greatest Weapon May Be Its Hackers." Newsweek (2015). Bennett, Cory. Kremlin’s Ties to Russian Cyber Gangs Sow US Concerns. The Hill, 2015. Robertson, Jordan, and Michael Riley. Kaspersky Lab Has Been Working With Russian Intelligence. Bloomberg Businessweek, 2017. Perlroth, Nicole, and Scott Shane. "How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World for U.S. Secrets." New York Times (2017). Volz, Dustin, and Jim Finkle. Kaspersky Lab Asks Court to Overturn U.S. Government Software Ban. Reuters, 2017. Miller, Greg, Greg Jaffe, and Philip Rucker. "Doubting the intelligence, Trump Pursues Putin and Leaves a Russian Threat Unchecked." Washington Post (2017). Raicu, Irina. Rethinking Ethics Training in Silicon Valley. The Atlantic, 2017. Postman, Neil. Amusing Ourselves to Death. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2007. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World Revisited. New York: RosettaBooks, 2000. Rich, Gillian. As Russia Hacks, Is the Best Cyber Defense a Terrifying Cyber Offense?. Investor’s Business Daily, 2016. Team, Cyberreason Intel. Russia and Nation-State Hacking Tactics: A Report from Cyberreason Intelligence Group., 2017. Leyden, John. Russia is struggling to keep its cybercrime groups on a tight leash. The Register, 2017. Dunay, Pàl, and Ralf Roloff. "Hybrid Threats and Strengthening Resilience on Europe’s Eastern Flank." Security Insights 16 (2017). Garamone, Jim. NATO Commander Breedlove Discusses Implications of Hybrid War. U.S. Department of Defense, 2015. Menand, Louis. Getting Real: George F. Kennan’s Cold War. The New Yorker, 2011. Galeotti, Mark. "I’m Sorry for Creating the ‘Gerasimov Doctrine’." Foreign Policy (2018). Vinocur, Nicholas. "Macron, standing by Putin, calls RT and Sputnik ‘agents of influence’." Politico (2017). Baranets, Viktor. "V Pol’she zhdut yenki i gotovyat dlya nikh bordel (The Polish are waiting for the Yankees and prepare brothels for them)." Komsomol’skaya pravda (2018): 4. Boehm, Eric. Former CIA Director and Fox News Host Share a Laugh Over American Interference in Foreign Elections. Reason, 2018. RT: Sweden wants out of the EU., 2016. Landler, Mark, and John Markoff. "In Estonia, What May be the First War in Cyberspace." The New York Times (2007). Meister, Stefan. The ‘Lisa case’: Germany as a Target of Russian Disinformation. NATO Review, 2016. Schultz, Teri. Why the ‘Fake Rape’ Story against German NATO Forces Fell Flat in Lithuania. Deutsche Welle, 2017. Otvety na voprosy zhurnalistov posle zaversheniya vyborov Presidenta (Response to the questions of journalists following the closing of the Presidential elections)., 2018. European Council meeting (19 and 20 March 2015) – Conclusions. Brussels, 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 … следваща › последна »