Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications White, Gordon. "Civil Society, Democratization and Development (I): Clearing the Analytical Ground." Democratization 1, no. 2 (1994): 375-390. Republic, National Statistica. Chislennost naseleniya Kirgizskoi Respubliki za 1 Janvarya 2016 goda (Population of the Kyrgyz Republic for 1 January 2016)., 2016. Murzakulova, Asel, and Irène Mestre. Natural Resource Management Dynamics in Border Communities of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan In Research Report. Bishkek: University of Central Asia, 2015. Trilling, David. Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan: What’s Next After Border Shootout?., 2014. Kholiqi, Abdulkholiq, and Nabijon Rahimov. Disputable Territories as Hotbeds of Tension on the Border In Bulletin of TSULBP., 2015. "Kto pervim otkril ogon na tajiksko-kirgizskoi granitce? (Who Opened Fire First on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Border?)." Asia-Plus (2014). Stroitelstvo dorogi Ak-Sai-Tamdyk-Kok-Tash prodoljaetsya (Construction of the Road Ak-Sai-Tamdyk-Kok-Tash Continues). Azattyk, 2014. Toktonaliev, Timur, Lola Olimova, and Nazarali Pirnazarov. Kyrgyz-Tajik Row After Border Clash. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 2014. Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan: Chego ozhidat ot peregovorov? (Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan: What to Expect from the Negotiations?). Azattyk, 2014. GPS soobshaet podrobnosti incidenta na kyrgyzko-tajikskom uchastke granitsy v Batkenskom raione (State Border Service Reports the Details of the Incident on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Border in the Batken Region). Turmush, 2014. Tolkanov, Bakyt. Obe storoni kinflikta na kyrgyzsko-tajikskoi granitse – o chem govoryat (Two Sides of Conflict on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Borders – What They Are Talking About). Sputnik, 2017. Koichiev, Arslan. "Ethno-Territorial Claims in the Ferghana Valley During the Process of National Delimitation, 1924-7." In Central Asia: Aspects of Transition, 45-46. London: Routledge Curzon, 2003. Safar, Tokhir. Vesna – goryachaya pora dlya tajiksko-kirgizkih otnosheni? (Spring – Is It a Hot Season for the Tajik-Kyrgyz Relations?). Radio Free Europe, 2011. Mitchell, William. "The Hydraulic Hypothesis: A Reappraisal." Current Anthropology 14, no. 5 (1973): 532-534. Toset, Hans P. W., Nils P. Gleditsch, and Håvard Hegre. "Shared Rivers and Interstate Conflict." Political Geography 19, no. 8 (2000): 971-96. Wolf, Aaron T.. "Conflict and Cooperation along International Waterways." Water Policy 1, no. 2 (1998): 251-65. Izquierdo, Lisa Marie, Mari Stangerhaugen, Diana Castillo, Robert Nixon, and Gloria Jimenez. Water Crisis in Central Asia: Key Challenges and Opportunities. New York: New School University, 2010. Leonard, Peter. Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan: Interethnic Clash Shines Light on Fraying Social Fabric. Eurasianet, 2015. Zozulya, Mariya. Na granice Batkenskoi oblasti i Tajiksitana proizoshel con¬flikt (A conflict took place on the border of the Batken region and Tajikistan). Vechernii Bishkek, 2015. Enclaves in Central Asia: The Post-imperial Chessboard. The Economist, 2014. Reeves, Madeleine. Border Work: Spatial Lives of the State in Rural Central Asia. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2014. Matveeva, Anna. "Divided we fall … or rise? Tajikistan–Kyrgyzstan border dilemma." Cam¬bridge Journal of Eurasian Studies 1 (2017): 1-20. Slack, Jeremy, Daniel E. Martinez, Alison Elizabeth Lee, and Scott Whiteford. "The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States." Journal of Latin American Geography 15, no. 1 (2016): 7-32. Potential for Peace and Threats of Conflict: Development Analysis of Cross-border Communities in Isfara District of the Republic of Tajikistan and Batken District of the Kyrgyz Republic. Jamoat Resource Center of Vorukh, 2011. Syria Calling: Radicalisation in Central Asia In Central Asia Briefing. Bishkek/Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 … следваща › последна »