Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Chinchilla, Alexandra C., and Paul Poast. "Defense Institution Building from Above? Lessons from the Baltic Experience." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 17, no. 3 (2018): 61-71. Bugriy, Maksym. "Ukraine’s Security Sector Reform: Is Ukraine Taking Western Advice?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 17, no. 3 (2018): 72-91. Jolicoeur, Pierre. "Defense Education Enhancement Program in Ukraine: The Limits of NATO’s Education Program." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 17, no. 3 (2018): 109-119. Zahariev, Ivo. "Building up Capabilities for Assessment of Crisis and Conflict Regions in Response of Hybrid Threats and Conflicts." Bulgarian Military Thought (2018). Ştefănescu, Daniel-Cornel. "Is hybrid Warfare a New Manner of Conducting Warfare." Review of the Air Force Academy 14, no. 2 (2016): 155-160. Zahariev, Ivo. "Assessment of Crisis and Conflict Regions in Response of Hybrid Threats and Conflicts." International Journal of Advanced Research (2018). Azani, Eitan. "The Hybrid Terrorist Organization: Hezbollah as a Case Study." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 36, no. 11 (2013): 899-916. Bieliskov, Mykola. "Ukraine’s Military Is Back." The National Interest (2018). Ripley, Tim, and Bruce Jones. "Analysis: How Russia Annexed Crimea." IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly 51, no. 14 (2014): 5. Russian National Security Strategy 2015-2020., 2015. Bulgarian Foreign Policy, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and National Security., 2015. Bozhilov, Yordan. "The Role of Russia on the Balkans." In International conference “Balkan Networks and Stability – Connecting Co-operative and Human Security. Rome, 2017. Transparent Governance for Greater Energy Security in CEE In Policy Brief., 2015. "‘Gazprom,’ how we miss you (‘Gazprom,’ kak ni lipsvash)." Capital (2017). Vasilev, Iliyan. The Belene NPP Project – Mission Impossible?. Centre for Balkan and Black Sea Studies, 2012. The Bulgarian’s Academy of Sciences’ report., 2018. "The Atlantic Council Has Seen Unprofitable Clauses in the Order for Russia to Repair the MiGs (Atlanticheskiyat suvet vidya neizgodni klauzi v poruchkata kum Rosiya za remont na MiG-ovete)." Dnevnik (2018). Interview of President Plevneliev for the BBC., 2016. Interview of President Plevneliev for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung., 2014. Homepage of the Bulgarian Military Union “Shipka” ., 2018. Bishop, Mac. Bulgarian Vigilantes Patrol Turkey Border to Keep Migrants Out. NBC News, 2017. A pro-Russian coup is looming in Bulgaria, the Russian embassy is silent (Zree rubladzhiiski prevrat v Bulgariya, ruskoto posolstvo mulchi)., 2016. Slavov, Atanas. "The Bulgarian Orthodox Church – An Instrument for Russian Influence in the Region?" Bulgaria Analytica (2017). Russian Patriarch unhappy at Bulgarian view of Russia’s 1877-1878 war role. Reuters, 2018. Russian Priests: Radev is a Cowardly Puppet of the West in a Third-rate Country (Ruski sveshtenici: Radev e strahliva marionetka na Zapada v tretorazredna strana). Dnevnik, 2018. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 … следваща › последна »