Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Gheorghe, Adrian V., Dan V. Vamanu, Polinpapilinho F. Katina, and Roland Pulfer. "Critical Infrastructures, Key Resources, and Key Assets." In Critical Infrastructures, Key Resources, Key Assets. Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality, 3-37 . Vol. 34. Cham: Springer, 2017. Urban, Rudolf, Alena Oulehlová, and Hana Malachová. "Computer Simulation - Efficient Tool Of Crisis Management." In International Conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION ., 2017. Risk Models - Understanding disaster risk modelling. Prevention Web, 2015. Tandlich, Roman, Shafick Hoossein, Kevin Whittington-Jones, and Francis Moyo. "Emerging issues in environmental security and disaster management in South Africa." In 4th virtual scientific conference on Scientific Reflection on New Trends in Management. Czech and Slovak National Police Academies, 2013. INFORM Index for Risk Management In Conpect and Methodology version 2017. European Commission – JRC Science for Policy Report, 2018. Zimbabwe - Disaster Statistics for 2014. Prevention Web. Zimbabwe - Disaster and Risk Profile. Prevention Web, 2015. Tadross, Mark, Pablo Suarez, Alex Lotsch, Sepo Hachigonta, Marshall Mdoka, Leonard Unganai, Filipe Lucio, Donald Kamdonyo, and Maurice Muchinda. "Growing-season rainfall and scenarios of future change in southeast Africa: implications for cultivating maize." Climate Research 40, no. 2-3 (2009): 147-161. Human Development Index – Countries. United Nations, 2014. Mbohwa, Charles. "Humanitarian logistics: Review and case study of Zimbabwean experiences." Journal of Transport and Supply Management 4, no. 1 (2010): 176-197. ED under pressure over cash crisis. Daily News Live , 2018. Underlying causes of HIV/AIDS. Food and Agricultural Organisation, 2015. British Expertise: Zimbabwe Scoping Report. London, United Kingdom: The Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2014. de Waal, Alex, and Alan Whiteside. "New variant famine: AIDS and food, crisis in Southern Africa." Lancet 362, no. 9391 (2003): 1234-1237. Residential water restrictions explained. City of Cape Town, 2018. Luyt, Catherine D., Wilhelmine J. Muller, Brendan S. Wilhelmi, and Roman Tandlich. Health implications of flood disaster management in South Africa In 18th Annual Conference of the International Emergency Management of Society held. Bucharest, Romania, 2011. Chirenda, Tatenda Grace, Chandra Sunitha Srinivas, and Roman Tandlich. "Assessment of the City of Harare’s capacity to treat municipal water and conduct the necessary analyses on microbial water quality, the use of alternative water sources and its impact on public health." Water SA 41, no. 5 (2015): 691-697. Country analysis report for Zimbabwe. Government of Zimbabwe and the United Nations in Zimbabwe, 2010. Zimbabwe: Cholera keeps a low profile. IRIN Africa, 2010. Emergencies preparedness, response - Cholera in Zimbabwe. World Health Organisation , 2008. Ali, Mohammad, Anna Lena Lopez, Young Ae You, Young Eun Kim, Binod Sah, Brian Maskery, and John Clemens. "The global burden of cholera." Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 90 (2012): 209-218A. Tandlich, Roman, Tatenda Grace Chirenda, and Chandra Sunitha Srinivas. "Preliminary assessment of the gender aspects of disaster vulnerability and loss of human life in South Africa." Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 5, no. 2 (2013): Article 84. Health expenditure, public (% of GDP) – Country Ranking. Index Mundi, 2018. Country comparison – health expenditure. Index Mundi, 2018. Life expectancy at birth, total (years). World Bank, 2018. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 … следваща › последна »