Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Federal Law N375-FZ (in Russian)., 2016. Roudik, Peter. "Russia: Collective Responsibility for Acts of Terrorism." Global Legal Monitor, December 24, 2014 (2014). Milashina, Elena. "The Threat to Shoot Someone in the Forehead Is Not Illegal?" Novaya Gazeta (2014). Chanturiya, Kazbek. Collective Responsibility in Chechnya; An Ineffective Method of Influence. OC Media, 2017. Blood Feuds – How They Kill Today in the Caucasus (in Russian). Kavkazsky Uzel [Caucasian Knot], 2017. Villagers Reported on the Eviction out of Chechnya of the Relatives of a Suspected Fighter (in Russian). Kavkazsky Uzel [Caucasian Knot], 2017. Nurzyńska, Anna. "The safety of a human behind the dangers of the 21st century." World Scientific News: An International Scientific Journal 105 (2018): 99-109. Gullbrekken, Camilla Bourouchou. Does social media empower women in Brazil?: A case study on sexual harassment and #feminist NGO Think Olga In Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, Department of Geography. Vol. Master of Science in Globalization: Politics and Culture. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 2017. Labreuche, Christophe Camille, Helia Pouyllau, Pierre Saveant, Yann Semet, Jan-Egbert Hamming, and Maurice Houtsma. Method for determining tactical actions . Thales SA, 2018. Ormrod, David, and Benjamin Turnbull. " Attrition rates and maneuver in agent-based simulation models." The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 14, no. 5 (2017): 257-272. Ormrod, David, Benjamin Turnbull, and Kent O’Sullivan. System of Systems Cyber Effects Simulation Ontology In 2015 Winter Simulation Conference., 2015. Abbass, Hussein A.. "The Art of Red Teaming." In Computational Red Teaming. Cham : Springer, 2015. Bui, Lam Thu, and Van Vien Mac. Toward an agent based distillation approach for protesting crowd simulation., 2013. Khan, Wahaj Ahmed, Syed Tehseen Jawaid, and Imtiaz Arif. "Where does a nation's wealth go? Evidence from a third world country"." Journal of Money Laundering Control (2018). Mojsoska, Snezana. "The future of e-money laundering in the Republic of Macedonia." International Journal of Public Law and Policy 5, no. 1 (2015). Masete, Naledi Thabang, and Jacques Clarence Duvenhage. "(Inter) national standards on money laundering with regard to the FATF recommendation." International Journal of Public Law and Policy 4, no. 1 (2014). Hermawati, Fajar Astuti, and Harry Budianto. "A Video Based License Plate Detection System Using Viola-Jones Method." In 2nd SciTech Internasional Seminar, 531-537. Vol. 118. Surabaya-Indonesia, 2013. Karthikeyan, V., V. J. Vijayalakshmi, and P. Jeyakumar. "License Plate Segmentation Based on Connected Component Analysis." American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research 14, no. 2 (2014). Pradhan, Mahendra Kumar, and Nitin Jain. "Authentication & Verification of Secure Parking Using OCR Technique." Advance in Electronic and Electric Engineering 4, no. 2 (2014): 127-134. Sharma, Jitendra, Khushboo Saxena, and Amit Sinhal. "Comparative Study of Different Techniques for License Plate Recognition." Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies 1, no. 2 (2013). Akgül, Yakup. "Adoption of E-Government Services in Turkey." AJIT-e: Online Academic Journal of Information Technology 9, no. 32 (2018). Vieth, Kilian. Europol Policing the Web: Internet Content & Counter-Radicalization – An Interpretive Policy Analysis Approach In Dual degree program. Vol. Political Science & European Affairs. Berlin : Otto-Suhr-Institut, FU Berlin , 2016. De Waele, Maarten, Jannie Noppe, Hans Moors, and Aart Garssen. Aanpak van gewelddadige radicalisering In CPS 2017. Vol. 1. Maklu, 2017. Divišová, Vendula. Džihádistická propaganda v zemích Západu za účelem rekrutace. Rexter, Centrum pro bezpečnostní a strategická studia, 2016. Frías, Alejandro Sánchez. Cazador o presa en la telaraña del terror? la UE en la lucha contra el ciberterrorismo. UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA, 2016. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 … следваща › последна »