Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications The Concept of Building a State Critical Infrastructure Protection System in Ukraine (in Ukrainian) In Resolution of the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine ., 2017. Ratchev, Valeri. "On the European experience in critical infrastructure." In Zelena knyha z pytan zakhystu kritychoy infrastructuru, 155-156. Kyiv: NISS, 2015. Brzozowski, Krzysztof. "On experience of the Poland in the development of critical infrastructure protection system." In Zelena knyha z pytan zakhystu kritychoy infrastructuru, 156-158 . Kyiv: NISS, 2015. Mureşan, Liviu, and Alexandru Georgescu. "Critical infrastructure protection – Romanian contributions and experiences (in Ukrainian)." In Zelena knyha z pytan zakhystu kritychoy infrastructuru, 93-106 . Kyiv: NISS, 2015. Tagarev, Todor. "Critical Infrastructure Protection: the Challenges of Establishing Interagency Cooperation (in Ukrainian)." In Zelena knyha z pytan zakhystu kritychoy infrastructuru, 158-161. Kyiv: NISS, 2015. Bresteau, Corentin, Simon Guigui, Paul Berthier, and José M. Fernandez. "On the security of aeronautical datalink communications: Problems and solutions." In 2018 Integrated Communications, Navigation, Surveillance Conference (ICNS). Herndon, VA, USA: IEEE, 2018. Perwita, Anak Agung Bany, and Widya Dwi Rachmawati. "The Modernization of Poland Defense Forces to Respond Russia Military Presence in Kaliningrad Oblast (2014-2017)." Jurnal Global & Strategis 12, no. 1 (2018). Matláry, Janne Haaland. Hard Power in Hard Times: Can Europe Act Strategically?. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. Errico, Francesco Bergoglio. Il Processo di Radicalizzazione Jihadista: Dalla Definizione Alla Narrativa., 2018. Hershtein, Lucas Oro. Ḥākimiyyah 2.0: construyendo un khilāfah virtual In Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales. Vol. Maestría. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2018. Парапанова, Весела Петро. "Членството на България в НАТО, представено в български медии (1990 – 2012)." Електронно научно списание „Реторика и комуникации“ 26 (2017). Найденов, Михаил. "Необходими Условия за Изграждане на Отбранителни Способности." Проблеми На Сигурността И Реформа в Сектора за Сигурност 29 (2014). Ангелов, Аню. "Политико-Военен Форум: Нато Инструмент на Промяната." In форум на българската трансатлантическа общност на тема „Десет години в нато, визия за следващите десет“. София, 2014. Angerman, William S.. Coming full circle with Boyd's OODA loop ideas: An analysis of innovation diffusion and evolution In Department of the Air Force, Air Force Institute of Technology,Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Ohio: Air University, 2004. Cropley, David H.. Architecting a command and control (C2) system In INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering) 2004 - 14th Annual International Symposium and 4th European Systems Engineering Conference. Toulouse, France, 2004. Alazmi, Abdulrahman R.. "Towards A New Model for Information Warfare." Journal of Media and Information Warfare 5 (2014): 29-52. Shalamanov, Velizar M., and Todor Tagarev. Reengineering the Defense Planning in Bulgaria In Research Report. Sofia: Institute for Security and International Studies, 1998. Hryshchuk, Ruslan, and Todor Tagarev. "Hybrid Warfare Challenges and Responses: Lessons from Ukraine." Information & Security: An International Journal 41 (2018): 5-8. Okon, Enoch Ndem, and Dodeye Uduak Williams. "Burundi and Gambia: Regional Security and Rapid Deployment Capability. The Utility of the African Standby Force." Conlict Studies Quarterly 24 (2018): 44-70. Manko, Oleg, and Yurii Mikhieiev. "Defining the Concept of ‘Hybrid Warfare’ Based on the Analysis of Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine." Information & Security: An International Journal 41 (2018): 11-20. Nikolic, Nebojsa. "Connecting Conflict Concepts: Hybrid Warfare and Warden’s Rings." Information & Security: An International Journal 41 (2018): 21-34. Pocheptsov, Georgii. "Cognitive Attacks in Russian Hybrid Warfare." Information & Security: An International Journal 41 (2018): 37-43. Naydenov, Mihail. "Building the Capacity of NATO’s Eastern European Members to Fight Hybrid War." Information & Security: An International Journal 41 (2018): 45-58. Hryshchuk, Ruslan, and Katerina Molodetska-Hrynhchuk. "Methodological Foundation of State’s Information Security in Social Networking Services in Conditions of Hybrid War." Information & Security: An International Journal 41 (2018): 61-79. Schneider, Tina. "Responsibility for private sector adaptation to climate change." Ecology and Society 19, no. 2 (2014): 8. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 … следваща › последна »