Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Huanan, Li. FIM model applied in disaster situations on the highway network. Southwest Jiaotong University, 2010. Yang, Zhou. Study on the vulnerability of road transport network based on Flow Interdiction Model. Beijing: Beijing Normal University, 2010. Xiuwen, Zhao. Vulnerability assessment of urban buried gas pipeline. Capital University of Economics and Trade, 2010. Qiuju, You, Fan Jianchun, and Zhu Wei. "Risk assessment and control measures of accident gas in Beijing." Journal of Safety Science and Technology 7, no. 10 (2011): 93-99. Zhongkai, Xiong, Li Hao, and Yuan Jiayi. "Warning study of gas supply and demand based on data envelopment analysis." Natural Gas Industry 28, no. 7 (2008): 114-116. Ukraine, The State Emer. Analytical review of the state of technogenic and natural safety in Ukraine for 2016., 2017. Nepomnyashchyy, Oleksandr. "Denationalization of technical regulation in construction in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine." Formation of Effective Mechanisms of Public Administration and Management in the Contemporary Economy 1 (2016): 632. Ukraine, Ministry of Regiona. General principles of maintenance of reliability and constructive safety of buildings, structures, constructions and foundations: state building norms., 2009. Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministe. On Approval of the Methodology for estimating losses from the consequences of man-made and natural emergencies In Resolution., 2002. Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministe. On Approval of the Procedure for Classifying Emergencies by Their Levels In Resolution., 2004. On regulation of urban development activities In Law of Ukraine., 2017. On the Protection of Cultural Heritage In Law of Ukraine., 2017. About the high danger objects In Law of Ukraine., 2017. Serih, Andrey. Technical regulation in construction. Analytical review of world experience. Chicago: SNIP, 2010. Н., Slysarevskiy. "Self-regulating or professional self-government." Mirror of the Week 36 (2010): 6. On Architectural Activity In Law of Ukraine., 2017. Self-regulation in Ukraine In BRDO., 2017. Nepomnyashchyy, Oleksandr. "Formation of a system of public self-regulation of the urban environment in Ukraine: New possibilities vs. old problems." State construction 2 (2014): 9. Clary, Gil, Mark Snyder, and Arthur A. Stukas. "Volunteer motivations, Findings from a national survey." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 25, no. 4 (1998): 485-505. Cravens, Jayne. "Online Volunteering Enters Middle Age - And Changes Management Paradigms. Nonprofit Quarterly." Nonprofit Quarterly (2007). Ehrichs, L.. Volunteering’ in development: A post-modern view. Volunteer Web, 2000. Papadakis, Katerina, Tonya Griffin, and Joel Frater. Understanding Volunteers’ Motivations In Proceedings of the 2004 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium., 2004. O’Rourke, Molly, Peter D. Hart, and Greg Baldwin. "How the Internet has Changed Volunteering, Findings from a VolunteerMatch User Study." The Journal of Volunteer Administration 22, no. 3 (2004). Organizations), NCVO(National. The UK voluntary sector almanac 2006. London: NCVO, 2006. Agency), FEMA(Federal E.. Developing and Managing Volunteers Independent Study. USA, 2006. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 … следваща › последна »