Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Malysheva, Ludmila. Geochemistry of landscapes (in Ukrainian). Kiev: Lybid, 2000. Adams, Iyatiti Mokube and. Honeypots : Concepts, Approaches and Challenges In 45th Annual Southeast Regional Conference. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA, 2007. Spitzner, Lance. Honeypots: Tracking Hackers. Addison Wesley, 2002. Gibbens, Mathias. Honeypots., 1999. ENISA. Proactive Detection of Security Incidents - Honeypots., 2012. Heumann, Thomas, Sven Turpe, and Jörg Keller. "Quantifying the Attack Surface of a Web Application." In ISSE/Sicherheit 2010: Information Security Solutions Europe - Sicherheit, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 305-316. Vol. P-170. Bonner Köllen: Verlag, 2010. Goswami, Sumit, Nabanita R. Krishnan, Mukesh Verma, Saurabh Swarnkar, and Pallavi Mahajan. "Reducing attack surface of a web application by open web application security project compliance." Defence science journal 62, no. 5 (2012): 324-330. Berberich, Klaus, Michalis Vazirgiannis, and Gerhard Weikum. "Time-Aware Authority Ranking." Internet Mathematics 2, no. 3 (2004): 301-332. Hamilton, Peter A.. Google-bombing - Manipulating the PageRank Algorithm In Information Retrieval., 2013. Baeza-Yates, Ricardo, Icrea-univ Pompeu Fabra, and Carlos Castillo. "Pagerank Increase under Different Collusion Topologies." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Adversarial IR on the Web, 25-32., 2005. Markowsky, George. The Metric at the End of the Rainbow In The TIEMS USA 2017 Annual Conference Emergency Management, Homeland Security, and Computing., 2017. Krautsevich, Leanid, Fabio Martinelli, and Artsiom Yautsiukhin. Formal approach to security metrics. What does ‘more secure’ mean for you? In IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications., 2010. Manadhata, Pratyusa K., and Jeannette M. Wing. "An Attack Surface Metric." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 37, no. 3 (2011): 371-386. Zhang, Su, Xinwen Zhang, Xinming Ou, Liqun Chen, Nigel Edwards, and Jing Jin. "Assessing Attack Surface with Component- Based Package Dependency." In Network and System Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 9408. Springer, Cham: NSS, 2015. Manadhata, Pratyusa K., and Jeannette M. Wing. "A Formal Model for A System’s Attack Surface." In Moving Target Defense: Creating Asymmetric Uncertainty for Cyber Threats, 1-29., 2011. Furen, Zhang, Zhang Hui, and XU Pai. "Location of tricolor leak and risk assessment on Gas pipeline." Natural Gas Industry 29, no. 8 (2009): 101-105. Qiu-ju, You, Zhu Wei, and Bai Yong-qiang. "Fault tree analysis on risk factors of underground gas networks of Beijing city." Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation 28, no. 9 (2009): 24-30. Timmerman, Peter. Vulnerability, resilience and the collapse of society: a review of models and possible climatic applications In Environmental Monograph. Toronto: Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Toronto, 1981. Collins, Timothy W.. "Households, forests, and fire hazard vulnerability in the American West: A case study of a California community." Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards 6, no. 1 (2005): 23-37. Murray, Alan T., and Tony Grubesic. Critical infrastructure: reliability and vulnerability In Advances in Spatial Science. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2007. Collins, Timothy W., and Bob Bolin. "Characterizing vulnerability to water scarcity: The case of a groundwater-dependent, rapidly urbanizing region." Environmental Hazards 7, no. 4 (2007): 399-418. Xia, Zhang, and Zhou Wei-guo. "Study on FMEA of city gas transmission and distribution pipeline network based on correlation operator." China Safety Science Journal 23, no. 7 (2013): 139-142. Tao, Ma Liang, and Han Jing. Gas transmission and distribution. Beijing: China Electric Power Press, 2004. Miao, Jin-ming, and Qiang Wang. "Study on corrosion failure risk assessment method for urban buried gas steel pipeline." China Safety Science Journal 23, no. 7 (2013): 49-54. Lifeng, Wan, Yin Yilin, and Zhang Lijun. "Security analysis system on city gas pipeline network." Gas & Heat 27, no. 11 (2007): 50-53. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 … следваща › последна »