Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications J. Margolis, Eli. "Estimating State Instability." Studies in Intelligence 56, no. 1 (2012): 13-24. Ivaschenko, Andrey, and Dmitry Novikov. Modeling and methods of organizational management of the innovative development of the firm. Moscow: Lenand, 2006. Zhang, Dong, Daniel Gatica-perez, Samy Bengio, and Deb Roy. "Learning Influence among Interacting Markov Chains." Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 3 (2005): 132-141. Novikov, Dmitry. "Cognitive Games: Linear Impulse Model." Management Problems 3 (2008): 14-22. Roberts, Fred. Discrete Mathematical Models with Applications to Social, Biological and Ecological Problems. Moscow: Science, 1986. Hryshchuk, Ruslan. "Startup of virtual communities in social networks on the principle of critical mass." Information protection Special issue (2015): 19-25. Bikkulov, Alexander, and Andrey Chugunov. Network Approach in Social Computer Science: Modeling of Socioeconomic Processes and Research in Social Networks. Tutorial. Moscow: ROS, 2013. Snarsky, Andrei, and Dmitry Lande. Simulation of complex networks: A manual. Kyiv: NTTU KPI, 2015. Koschade, Stuart. "A Social Network Analysis of Jemaah Islamiyah: The Applications to Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence." Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 29, no. 6 (2006): 559-575. Choudhary, Pankaj, and Upasna Singh. "Ranking Terrorist Nodes of 26/11 Mumbai Attack using Analytical Hierarchy Process with Social Network Analysis." In 11th Annual Simposium on Information Assurance (Asia’16). Albany, NY, 2016. Koboseva, Alla, and Vitaliy Khoroshko. "The use of a weighted graph in modeling a terrorist network." Information Technology and Computer Engineering 3, no. 10 (2007): 61-67. Guminskyi, Ruslan, and Andrei Peleshchyshyn. "Definition of discussion pages of the virtual community for informational influence." Master’s thesis, Information, communication society in Ukraine (2017): 32-33. Pocheptsov, Georgii. Modern information wars. Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2016. Jackson, Matthew O.. Social and Economic Networks. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. Holland, Benjamin Robert. Enabling Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in private social networks. Iowa: Iowa State University, 2012. Gubanov, Dmitry, and Aleksandr Chkhartishvili. "Conceptual approach to the analysis of online social networks." Management of large systems 45 (2013): 222-236. Granovetter, Mark. "The Strength of Weak Ties." American Journal of Sociology 78, no. 6 (1973): 1360-1380. Yang, Jaewon, and Jure Leskovec. "Structure and overlaps of communities in networks." In ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Ukraine, 2012. Naydenov, Mihail. The Russian Subversion of the Defence System of Bulgaria – an Enabler for ‘State Capture'. Project, 2017. Naydenov, Mihail. "The subversion of the Bulgarian defence system – the Russian way." Defense & Security Analysis 34 (2018): 15. Bajrovic, Reuf, Richard Kraemer, and Emir Suljagic. Bosnia on the Russian Chopping Block: The Potential for Violence and Steps to Prevent It. Foreign Policy Research Institute, 2018. US general: Russian Center in Serbia is not humanitarian., 2017. Biden, Jr., Joseph R., and Michael Carpenter. "How to Stand Up to the Kremlin. Defending Democracy Against Its Enemies." Foreign Affairs (2018): 45. Dickinson, Peter. From Crimea to Salisbury: Time to Acknowledge Putin’s Global Hybrid War. The Atlantic Council, 2018. Stoltenberg, Jens. Keynote speech at the opening of the NATO Transformation Seminar., 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 … следваща › последна »