Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Marshallsay, Zaniah. "National Security, State-Society Relations and Muslim Minorities in Thailand and Singapore Post-September 11." In Australian Political Studies Association Conference. Brisbane, Australia, 2008. Sagen, James. United States-South African Relations: The Challenge for AFRICOM In Strategy Research Project. U.S. Army War College, 2008. Khatib, Lina. Image Politics in the Middle East: The Role of the Visual in Political Struggle. I.B.Tauris, 2012. Khatib, Lina. Hizbullah’s Image Management Strate In CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy. Los Angeles: Figueroa Press, 2012. van Wyk, Milandré Heidi. IBM Incorporated: An exploration of an Egyptian work ethic as constructed by South African expatriates working in Cairo. Vol. , Master of Arts (Sociology). University of Stellenbosch, 2012. Почепцов, Георгий. "Нарартив як інструментарій: від літературознавства до боротьби з тероризмом." Політичний менеджмент 4 (2008): 3-11. Banks, Robert. A Resource Guide to Public Diplomacy Evaluation. Los Angeles, CA: Figueroa Press, 2011. Jaspal, Zafar Nawaz. "Threat of Extremism &Terrorist Syndicate beyond FATA." Journal of Political Studies 1, no. 2 (2010): 19-49. Сысоев, АМ, and ТЕ Аболмасова. "Зарубежный Опыт по Реализации Пенитенциарных Программ Дерадикализации Экстремистов с Применением Основ Традиционных вероучений." Человек: преступление и наказание 3, no. 94 (2016). Mehra, Sasha. Equal Opportunity Counterinsurgency: The Importance of Afghan Women in U.S. Counterinsurgency Operations In Faculty of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Vol. Master of Military Art and Science., 2010. Bhanji, Rosmin. Resiliency Amidst the Fragmented Lives of Afghan Refugee Women. Vol. Master of Social Work. McMaster University(University of Calgary), 2011. Abbasi, Salma. Women and ICT in Muslim Countries: Policies, Practices and Challenges In Department of Geography Royal Holloway. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. University of London, 2011. Stringer, Kevin D.. "Tackling Threat Finance: A Labor for Hercules or Sisyphus?" Parameters (2011). Ruiz, Moses T.. Sharpening the Spear: The United States’ Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan In Department of Political Science. Vol. Master of Public Administration. Texas State University, 2009. van Houtum, R. De rol van de internationale gemeenschap in Kosovo., 2011. Al-Saleh, Yasser. "System Integration as an Alternative Approach to Clean Energy Leapfrogging." Geopolitics of Energy 31, no. 4 (2009). Gałka, Irena. Energy security of Visegrad Group Countries: Geopolitical and Strategic Determinants of Current State and prospects for Regional Developmen. Studium Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, 2016. Mandalenakis, Elena. "Joint Management: Peacemaking and Peacekeeping." In What Kind of Sovereignty? Examining Alternative Governance Methods in the South Caucasus, 43-57. Vienna: National Defence Academy, 2014. Howard, Russell D., and Colleen M. Traughber. "The “New Silk Road” of Terrorism and Organized Crime: The Key to Countering the Terror-Crime Nexus." In Armed Groups: Studies in National Security, Counterterrorism, and Counterinsurgency, 371-387. Newport, RI: U.S. Naval War College, 2008. Paul, Christopher, Colin P. Clarke, and Chad C. Serena. Mexico Is Not Colombia: Alternative Historical Analogies for Responding to the Challenge of Violent Drug-Trafficking Organizations In Supporting Case Studies. RAND Corporation, 2014. van Uhm, Daan P.. The Illegal Wildlife Trade: Inside the World of Poachers, Smugglers and Traders. Springer, 2016. van Uhm, Daan. "De Verwevenheid Tussen de Onder- en bovenwereld in de Wildlife Handel." Cahiers Politiestudies 1, no. 38 (2016): 41-54. Markowitz, Lawrence. "The Crystallization of State Security Institutions in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan." In 2017 Annual Convention of Association for the Study of Nationalities. New York, NY, 2017. van Uhm, Daan. Wildlife Crime and Security, in Transnational Crime and Global Security. ABC-CLIO, 2018. Markowitz, Lawrence. "Assessing State Responses to Security Threats in Central Asia." In 2016 Annual Meeting of Central Eurasian Studies Society., 2016. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 … следваща › последна »