Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Емельянович, Ольга. "Функции управления ООН по наркотикам и Преступности в Области Борьбы с Торговлей Людьми, в Частности Женщинами и Детьми." Журнал Международного Права и Международных Отношений 2 (2012). J. Burgess, Peter, and Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh. "The Human Security Tale of Two Europes." Global Society 24, no. 4 (2010). Muftić, Lisa. "Securing the Border in Bosnia and Herzegovina: An Exploratory Analysis of the Impact of Training on Officers' Knowledge and Experiences Related to Sex Trafficking." European Journal on Criminal Policy & Research 20, no. 2 (2014): 225-241. Lundgren, Ted, and Petr Lappo. State border corruption and illegal migration: A model In MPRA Paper. Belarus State University, 2009. Burcher, Catalina Uribe. "Assessing the Threat of Nexus Between Organized Crime and Democratic Politics: Mapping the Factors." International Relations and Diplomacy 5, no. 1 (2017): 1-19. Herzog, S. Historical Consequences: The Legacy of Sexism and Gender Discrimination and Their Link to Contemporary Sex Trafficking in Russia., 2008. Ferguson, Kate. An Investigation into the Irregular Military Dynamics in Yugoslavia, 1992-1995 In School of History. Vol. Ph.D. University of East Anglia, 2015. Carr, Zachary. Trafficked Women, the Garbage Can, and Frustrated Policy: EU Failure to Combat Human Trafficking In Department of Political Science. Vol. Master of Arts. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 2009. Chorvátová, Magdaléna. Obchod s lidmi v Bosně a Hercegovině mezi lety 2003 až 2013 In Fakulta Sociálních Studií, Katedra Politologie. Vol. Diplomová práce. Masarykova Univerzita, 2013. Aronowitz, Alexis A.. Human Trafficking, Human Misery: The Global Trade in Human Beings. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2009. Keefer, Sandra L.. Human Trafficking and The Impact on National Security for the United States. Vol. Master of Strategic Studies. Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania: U.S. Army War College, , 2006. Stephen, E. N.. "Drug Trafficking and the Threat to Nigeria’s National Security." Canadian Social Science 12, no. 12 (2016): 1-11. Akuni, B.A.J.. Child Trafficking: A Case of South Sudan. Vol. Ph.D. University of Bradford, 2013. Blank, Stephen J.. The Nato-Russia Partnership: A Marriage of Convenience or a Troubled Relationship?. Army War College,Strategic Studies Institute, 2006. Blank, Stephen J.. Towards a New Russia Policy. U.S. Army War College,Strategic Studies Institute, 2008. Litra, L, and M Waechter. The EU–Russia Relations and the Question of Democracy. Centre International de Formation Europeenne, 2008. Mladen, Bajagić. "Institucionalizacija Saradnje u Bezbednosti u Evropskoj Uniji." Bezbednost, Beograd 55, no. 3 (2013): 21-35. Fiedler, R. Chinas new multilateralism in a globalized world., 2010. Zhang, Jiegen. Maritime Silk Road and China’s Indian Ocean Strategy: An Analysis from the Perspective of Cooperative Security In Annual Report on the Development of the Indian Ocean Region. Current Chinese Economic Report Series. Singapore: Springer, 2015. Damayanti, Angel. Tinjauan Paradigma Hubungan Internasional Dalam Perjanjian Keamanan RI-Australia Tahun 2006. Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia, 2007. Márquez, CA Britez Sil. Cooperación en seguridad: Narcotráfico en la Cuenca del Amazonas. Vol. Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales. Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21, 2016. Rosso, Diulia Dorneles, Mariana Morena Pereira, Daniel Deliberali, Felipe Rocha de Carvalho, and Gustavo Rodrigues Costa. "Geoestratégia no Atlântico Sul: Relações Bilaterais Brasil-África do Sul na Area de Defesa (Geostrategy of the South Atlantic: Bilateral Relations between Brazil and South Africa in the Defense Area)." Fronteira: Revista de Iniciacao Cientifica e/m Relacoes Internacionais 14, no. 27/28 (2015): 7-31. 25. Bojan, Zrnić. "The new trends in defence planning and their impact on the defence planning systems in transitional countries." Vojno delo 60, no. 1 (2008): 25-47. Střítecký, Vít. "Doing More for Less: V4 Defence Cooperation in a Time of Austerity." The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 21, no. 4 (2012): 65-82. Mikuž, Ivan. Influence Small State Force Design. Carlisle: United States Army War College, 2012. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 … следваща › последна »