Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Krahmann, Elke. "United States, PMSCs and the State Monopoly on Violence: Leading the Way towards Norm Change." Security Dialogue 44, no. 1 (2013): 53-71. Vicente, João. A relevância estratégica do Poder Aéreo numa Aproximação às Operações Baseada em Efeitos. Instituto Português da Conjuntura Estratégica, 2008. Gainer, John. The Business of War: A Content Analysis of Private Military Companies’ Websites In Department of Political Science. Vol. Masters of Public Administration. Texas State University, 2010. П.Г., Зверев. "Место Частных Военных и Охранных Компаний в Системе Международного Миротворчества." Вестник Калининградского филиала Санкт Петербурга (2015). Bürgin, Annina. Privatisierung von Sicherheit und Frieden?: Einstellungen Gegenüber Kooperationen von Streitkräften mit Privaten Militärfirmen In Philosophisch-Historischen Fakultät. Vol. Doktorin der Philosophie. Basel: Universität Basel, 2010. M.G., Janaby. "The Legal Status of Private Military and Security Company Personnel Used by States." In The Legal Regime Applicable to Private Military and Security Company Personnel in Armed Conflicts. Cham: Springer, 2016. Hayder, Altamimi Fadhil Aje. "Nadležnost za Teška Kršenja Ljudskih Prava u Iraku Koja s Izvršile Privatne Vojnobezbednosne Kompanije Koje su Zaključile Ugovor sa SAD - Incident na Trgu Nisur." Pravni zapisi 3, no. 2 (2012): 352-381. Bergstrom, L, K Bourn, R Braun, A Duffy, and G Gurian. Redefining Security: NATO's Role in the 21st Century In Task Force Policy Report on NATO and the New Strategic Concept. University of Washington, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, 2011. Löberbauer, H. The Privatized Military Industry from a postinternational perspective In Seminar Paper., 2007. Vicente, João. Relevância Estratégica do Poder Aéreo Numa Aproximação às Operações Baseada em Efeitos., 2008. Church, Kristi K.. Enhancing Unity of Effort in Homeland Defense, Homeland Security, and Civil Support through Interdisciplinary Education. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2010. Lanfranco, M. La Difesa Civile nel XXI secolo: dalla cooperazione civile-militare all'integrazione delle forze. Vol. PhD Thesis., 2012. Павлов, Николай. "Гражданска сигурност и геополитика." In 12 Societal Security and Crisis Management in the 21-st century (6-th CRN Expert Workshop). Stockholm,. Sweden,, 2004. Schwell, Alexandra. "The iron curtain revisited: the ‘Austrian way’ of policing the internal Schengen border." European Security 19, no. 2 (2010): 317-336. Stevenson, Jonathan. "Demilitarising the ‘War on Terror’." Global Politics and Strategy 48, no. 2 (2006): 37-54. Ignazi, Piero. Giampiero Giacomello, Fabrizio, Italian Military Operations Abroad: Just Don't Call it War. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Morag, Nadav. Comparative Homeland Security: Global Lessons. John Wiley & Sons, 2011. Weiss, Tomáš. "The blurring border between the police and the military: A debate without foundations." Cooperation and Conflict 46, no. 3 (2011): 396-405. Coticchia, Fabrizio, and Giampiero Giacomello. "Helping Hands: Civil–Military Cooperation and Italy's Mlitary Operation Abroad." Small Wars & Insurgencies 20, no. 3-4 (2009). Striuli, Lorenzo. "Il Blurring fra Forze Militari e di Polizia: Il Caso Italiano Alla Luce del Dibattito Internazionale." Sicurezza e Scienze Sociali 1 (2016): 55-71. Coticchia, Fabrizio. Nuove Minacce ed Esigenze Di Protezione per Uomini e Mezzi: L’approccio Italiano Alle PSO E L’elaborazione di Una Futura Strategia Nazionale di Counter Insurgency In Rapporto di Ricerca. Pisa: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, 2009. Coticchia, Fabrizio. Il Lungo Sentiero sul Lago di Ghiaccio: L’Evoluzione della Politica di Difesa Italiana dalla Fine della Guerra Fredda all ”Operazione Leonte” In ’Political Systems and Institutional Change’ XXI Cycle. Vol. PhD Program . Lucca : IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, 2009. Allred, Keith J.. "Peacekeepers and Prostitutes How Deployed Forces Fuel the Demand for Trafficked Women and New Hope for Stopping It." Armed Forces & Society 33, no. 1 (2006): 5-23. Brusca, Carol S.. "Palermo Protocol: The First Ten Years after Adoption." Global Security Studies 2, no. 3 (2011). Pawłowski, Michał. Międzynarodowe Standardy Ścigania Handlu Ludźmi i Ochrony Jego Ofiar. Warszawa: Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, 2014. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 … следваща › последна »