Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Spencer, Alexander. "Romantic Stories of the Pirate in IARRRH: The Failure of Linking Piracy and Terrorism Narratives in Germany." International Studies Perspectives 15, no. 3 (2014): 297-312. Chalk, Peter. "Maritime Terrorism: Threat to Container Ships, Cruise Liners, and Passenger Ferries." In Lloyd's MIU Handbook of Maritime Security. CRC Press, 2009. Hill, Brian Patrick. Maritime Terrorism and the Small Boat Attack Threat to the United States : A Proposed Response. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2009. Zou, Jianmin, Stephen Gundry, Umit M. Uyar, Janusz Kusyk, and Cem Safak Sahin. "Bio-Inspired Topology Control Mechanism for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Used in Maritime Surveillance." Studies in Computational Intelligence 621 (2016). Gaylord, Sylvia, and Kathleen J. Hancock. "Developing World: National Energy Strategies." In International Handbook of Energy Security. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013. Spencer, Alexander. Romantic Narratives in International Politics: Pirates, Rebels and Mercenaries. Oxford University Press, 2016. Hamad, Hamad Bakar. "Maritime terrorism: Why the East African Community is the Next Potential Target of Maritime Terrorism." Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 6, no. 6 (2016). Pisano, Vittorfranco, and Claudio Maria Polidori. "Minaccia Terroristica E Contromisure Nell’unione Europea (The Terrorist Threat and Countermeasures in the European Union)." Osservatorio Strategico Supplemento 1 (2007). Gaylord, Sylvia, and Kathleen J. Hancock. "Energy Supply Issues. Developing World: National Energy Strategies." In The International Handbook of Energy Security. Cheltenham, UK /Northampton Massachusetts USA: Edward Elgar, 2013. Szyliowicz, Joseph S.. "Transportation as a Component of Homeland Security Strategy." In Terrorism and Homeland Security: Thinking Strategically About Policy. CRC Press, 2008. Zou, Jianmin. Biologically Inspired Algorithms for Dynamic Topology Control in Mobile Networks., 2014. Almzmomi, Aabed. Strategies to Secure Sea Ports Against Terrorism, Illegal Trading and Illegal Migration In School of Marine Science and Technology. Newcastle University, UK, 2012. Crawford, Crawford J.. Below the Radar: An Analysis of The "Small Boat Threat" to Maritime Security In The Maritime Commons: Digital Repository. World Maritime University, 2008. Vohra, Ravi, and V. Srivatsan. India-Sri Lanka Maritime Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges. National Maritime Foundation, 2008. Willens, Jonathan. Predicting Iran’s Nuclear Status: A Kaleidoscope of Futures. Vol. Master of Arts in National Security Studies. Charles Town, West Virginia: American Public University System, 2008. Matlala, Mpho Mark. The Use of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System to Improve the Quality of Service Rendered by the South African Police Service on the East Rand. Vol. Magister Technologiae. University of South Africa, 2012. Matlala, Mpho Mark. The Use of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System to Improve the Quality of Service Rendered by the South African Police Service on the East Rand. Vol. Magister Technologiae. University of South Africa, 2012. Тарасенко, ИВ. "Некоторые Современные Аспекты Военно-Морских Отношений России и НАТО." Вестник Бурятского государственного университета (2007). Bowley, Robin. Countering Terrorism In The Maritime Domain: A Contemporary Evaluation Of The International Legal Framework. University of Wollongong, 2013. Perrelli, Marly Terezinha. Motivação de Militares Para Participar do Processo de Expatriação em Missão de Paz No Haiti, Título de Doutora. Santa Catarina, Florianópolis: Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2017. Born, H, M Caparini, K Haltiner, and J Kuhlmann. Civil-Military Relations in Europe: Learning from Crisis and Institutional Change. Routledge, 2006. Mileham, Patrick. "Armed Forces Officership: An International Military Capability." In Routledge Handbook of Military Ethics. Routledge, 2015. Mileham, Patrick. Moral Dynamics In Culture Centric Warfare. Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online, 2009. Nourzhanov, Kirill. "Changing security threat perceptions in Central Asia." Australian Journal of International Affairs 63, no. 1 (2009). Kavalski, Emilian. "Uncovering the “New” Central Asia: The Dynamics of External Agency in a Turbulent Region." In The New Central Asia. The Regional Impact of International Actors. Western Sydney, Australia: World Scientific Publishing, University of Western Sydney, 2010. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 … следваща › последна »