Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Phelps, Martha. "Doppelgangers of the State: Private Security and Transferable Legitimacy." Politics & Policy 42, no. 6 (2014): 824-849. Beutel, Martha D.. Buying Decline: The Privatization of Foreign. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Coral Gables, Florida: InterventionUniversity of Miami, 2012. Street, Daniel. Opening Pandora's Box? Theorising the Commercialisation of Military Force in the post-Cold War World In Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Bath, 2016. Strongwater, Alison. Modern Mercenaries: Threat or Savior?., 2013. Efthymiou, Konstantinos. "International and Territorial Waters Threatening Actors and the Defense Framework." FFUK Efthymiou – Terminology (2015). Phelps, Martha Lizabeth. "Doppelgangers of the State: Private Security and Transferable Legitimacy." Politics & Policy (2014). Günther, Philipp. Private Military Companies als neuer internationaler Akteur. Vol. Diploma Thesis. University of Cologne, 2005. Atay, Deniz. Environmental Effectiveness Analysis Of Caspian Hydrocarbon Development. Middle East Technical University, 2009. Bayraktar, Gökhan. "Hazar’dak‹ Jeopol‹T‹K Mücadelen‹N Türk‹Ye’n‹N Enerj‹ Güvenl‹⁄‹ne, Etk‹Ler‹ / The Effects of Energy Security in Turkey's Japanese Strategy in Hazar." Stratej‹K Öngörü 11 (2007). Abdullaeva, Liudmila, and Shukhrat Iigitaliev. "Enlargement of the European Union and its Influence on the Central Asian Countries." Central Asia & Central Caucasus (2004). Karim, Iskander. Identifying Instability Pockets. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2014. Novruzova, Nilufar. Russia's Impact On Osh Conflict 2010 Through Kyrgyz Nationalism. Khazar University, 2013. Forster, Peter K.. "The Terrorist Threat and Security Sector Reform In Central Asia: The Uzbek Case." Uzbek Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2003): 227-245. Last, David. "Sharing Ideas: Conflict Management and Professional Security Education In Transatlantic Relations." In Trans Atlantic Relations and International Conflict Management. Ottawa: Carleton University, Centre for European Studies, 2008. Курбацкий, Владислав Андре. Внешняя Политика Албании в Конце XX–начале XXI вв.. Vol. Kандидат исторических наук. Москва: Дипломатическая Академия Министерства Иностранных Дел Российской Федерации, 2016. Riegler, Henriette. "Feminist International Relations. An Unfinished Journey." Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft (2003). Krasniqi, Kole. "Kampf gegen die organisierte Kriminalität auf dem Balkan. Entstehungsbedingungen und Herausforderungen." SIAK – Journal – Zeitschrift für Polizeiwissenschaft und polizeiliche Praxis 4 (2013): 63-76. Stojanovski, Voislav. "Eu Works In Mysterious Ways: Isolation As A Step Towards Western Balkans Integration." DFK-Online (2009). Stýskalíková, Věra. Současné Bezpečnostní Hrozby Západního Balkánu: Kritická Analýza Konceptu Bezpečnosti Kodaňské Školy In Fakulta Sociálních Studií. Vol. Dizertační Práce. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2006. Stojarová, Vera. "Organized Crime in the Western Balkans." HUMSEC Journal, no. 1 (2015). Hadji-Janev, Metodi. "Threats to the Critical Infrastructure in South-East Europe posed by Al Qaeda and its Associated Movements: the case of Macedonia." In Counterterrorism challenges regarding the Critical Infrastructure protection, 187-201. Monterey, USA, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Center for Civil - Military Relation, 2011. Ismajli, Dashnim. State-Building und Demokratisierungsprozess im Kosovo 2000-2012 In Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Orientwissenschaften. Vol. Doctor Philosophiae. Leipzig: Universität Leipzig,, 2014. Thijs, F. Gangsters at Your Service: A Comparison on the Use of Criminals by Genocidal Regimesр. University of Amsterdam, 2015. Шијан, Зоран С.. Улога Политика Безбедности Држава Западног Балкана у Утврђивању Спољнополитичких Приоритета после 2000 године In Факултет Политичких Наука. Vol. Докторска Дисертација. Београд: Универзитет У Београду, 2013. Stojarová, Vera. "The party system of Albania." In Party Politics in the Western Balkans. Routledge, 2013. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 … следваща › последна »