Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Blankenhorn, D, A Filali-Ansary, and HI Mneimneh. The Islam/West debate: documents from a global debate on terrorism, US policy, and the Middle East. Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. Herman, Edward, and David Peterson. "There is no 'war on terror." Z Magazine (2008). Wirsing, Robert G.. "Political Islam, Pakistan, And The Geo-Politics Of Religious Identity." In Growth and Governance in Asia., 2004. Carpenter, Sara, Antony Chum, and Nadya Weber. Conflict and convergence: theories and practices for global citizenship and adult education., 2007. Etzioni, A, and JH Marsh. Rights vs. public safety after 9/11: America in the age of terrorism. Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. Sajjad-Pour, SMK. "Iran and the Challenge of 11 September." Global Dialogue (2002). Lang, Jr, Anthony F.. "Punishment and peace: Critical reflections on countering terrorism." Millennium: Journal of International Studies 36, no. 3 (2008). Elshtain, Jean. "The World as We Know It." Political Theology 12, no. 5: Ten Years After 9/11 (2011). Llanque, Marcus. "The Rhetoric of intellectual Manifestos from the First World War to the War against Terrorism." In The Ashgate Research Companion to the Politics of Democratization in Europe. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Kourouche, Hind. "Islam in Australia and the US." Sydney Papers 15, no. 2 (2003). Matsumoto, Masakazu. "The American just war theory in the 21st century: continuity or renewal?" Protestantismo em Revista 10 (2013): 11-31. O'Callaghan, R. "Secular Theology and Noble Sacrifice: The Ethics of Michael Walzer's Just War Theory." Review of International Studies (2013). Henriques, Mendo Castro. "Si nolis bellum para pacem. The rule of law and NATO's Mediterranean Initiative." Nação e Defesa (2004). Aydin, Gülşen. "Economic and Development in Georgia After the Rose Revolution: A Boost to the Mikheil Saakashvili’s Consolidation of Authority." ZKU Journal of Social Sciences 7, no. 14 (2011): 35-50. Mkrtchyan, Tigran. The Prospects of 'Physical'Border-Spanning at the Neighbours of Europe (the Case of South Caucasus) and the Role of NATO in that Process In Robežu Paplašināšana: Identitātes Un Kopienas, Proceedings of International Conference. Riga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2006. Jawad, Pamela. The interaction of democracy promoter and target country context: The case of the OSCE in Georgia. Vol. Doktorin der Philosophie. Darmstadt: Technischen Universität Darmstadt, 2017. Beridze, Elchin. The United States-Russian Relations in post-Cold War Era: the Hidden Cold War in South-Caucasus (1991-2008). Vol. Master of Science in International Relations. Gazimağusa, Northern Cyprus: Eastern Mediterranean University, 2009. Gasimov, Zaur. Historical Dictionary of Azerbaijan. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018. Küpçük, Yeliz. Azerbaijan’s Relations with the United States in the Post-Soviet Era. Vol. Master of Science. The Middle East Technical University, 2006. Mirzoyan, Alla. Armenia, the Regional Powers, and the West: Between History and Geopolitics. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Minasian, Sergey. "The Turkish-Israeli Military and Political Co-operation and Regional Security Issues." Iran & the Caucasus 7, no. 1/2 (2003): 309-326. Mirzoyan, Alla. Armenia's Foreign Policy, 1991-2004: Between History and Geopolitics In FIU Electronic Theses an Dissertations., 2007. Stefan, G, M Marilena, and G Tabriz. Positions of the states involved in energy projects in the South Caucasus. Universitatii Maritime, 2012. Lewis, David. International Engagement and the Contested State in Contemporary Armenia In Working Paper., 2014. Sigurðsson, Árni Þór, and Alyson J. K. Bailes. "“The Bear and the Maiden Fair”: Why does Armenia side with Russia?" Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XVI. (2015). Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 … следваща › последна »