Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Kurtulus, Ersun N.. "The "New Terrorism" and its Critics." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 34, no. 6 (2011): 476-500. Wentz, Larry. Lessons From Bosnia: The IFOR Experience. Washington, D.C.: Department of Defense Command and Control Research Program, 1998. Kretchik, Walter E.. Interview with Lieutenant General Joseph W. Kinzer. Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 1998. UN Security Council Resolution 975., 1995. UNMIH Facilitator Training In Battle Command Training Program. Vol. unpublished manuscript. BCTP archives, 1995. Kretchik, Walter E.. Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Ward. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1995. UNMIH Training Schedule In Battle Command Training Program. BCTP archives, 1995. Kretchik, Walter E.. Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Adams. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1995. Revised UNMIH Training Schedule In Battle Command Training Program. BCTP archives, 1995. UNMIH After Action Report. BCTP archives, 1995. Baumann, Robert F.. Interview with Colonel William Fulton. Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 1996. Kretchik, Walter E.. Interview with Lieutenant Colonel George Steuber. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1998. National Civil Protection Service., 2005. Red Brigades. Stanford University, 2005. Guardia di Finanza., 2005. The ancient Corps of the Royal Carabinieri., 2005. Assembly documents and information, including summaries of the Rose-Roth Seminars., 2002. Azerbaijan Human Development Report 1996 In Publication of the United Nations Development Programme/UND. Baku: Office of the United Nations, 1996. Cutts, Mark, Sean Loughna, and Frances Nicholson. "Displacement in the Former Soviet Region." In The State of the World’s Refugees 2000 – Fifty Years of Humanitarian Action, 192-193. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. "RFE/RL Newsline." RFE/RL Newsline 1, no. 131 (1997). Moskovskii Komsomolets., 1997. Transcaucasia Report. RFE/RL, 2002. Nuriyev, Elkhan. "Shadow Pieces of the Caucasus Puzzle: A New Stage of the U.S.-Russian Confrontation in the Context of the War Against Terrorism." Zerkalo/Ayna (2001). Mel’nik, I.. Corruption: essence, concepts, measures for counteraction (Корупція: сутність, поняття, заходи протидії). Kyiv, 2001. On the Concept of the Struggle with Corruption for 1998-2005 (Про Концепцію боротьби з корупцією на 1998-2005 роки) In Decree of the President of Ukraine., 1998. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 … следваща › последна »