Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Hansen, Thomas Blom. "Sovereigns Beyond the State: On Legality and Authority in Urban India." In Sovereign Bodies: Citizens, Migrants, and States in the Postcolonial World, 169-91. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005. Nexus of banned outfits, criminals ‘Channel 2’ unearthed in Karachi. Geonews, 2015. Rettman, Andrew. Security fears prompt fences on EU-Russia border. EUobserver, 2015. Levi, Michael, Ognian Shentov, and Boyko Todorov. Financing of Organised Crime. Sofia: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2015. VID Muitas policijas pārvalde aiztur vairāk nekā 60 kilogramus kokaīna. Valsts ieņēmumu dienests [Latvian State Revenue Service], 2016. From Spain to Russia extradited a native of Latvia, was involved in the smuggle 28 kilos of cocaine. News-4-u, 2016. Moldova on the edge. Small enough to fail. The Economist, 2015. Latvia: European Central Bank Revokes Trasta Komercbanka License., 2016. Jemberga, Sanita, and Evita Puriņa. U.S. Pressures Latvia To Clean Up Its Non-Resident Banks. Re:Baltica, 2016. Europol Review 2014. General Report on Europol Activities. The Hague, 2015. Informācija par Latvijas paveikto cilvēku tirdzniecības novēršanas un apkarošanas jomā 2015.gadā., 2015. Border guards, customs official held as part of smuggling ring. Latvijas Sabiedriskie mediji (LSM) [Latvian Broadcasting Service], 2016. Commission Staff Working Document. European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Action PLAN. Brussels: European Commission, 2015. Latvia has begun installing barriers along its border with Russia. Meduza, 2016. Murphy, Martin N.. "Future Scenarios and Future Threats: What Happens if Piracy is not Controlled, and How Might Manifestations Change?" In Global Challenge, Regional Responses: Forging a Common Approach to Maritime Piracy, 36-40. Dubai, UAE: Dubai School of Government, 2011. Frécon, Eric. "Piracy in the Malacca Straits: notes from the field." IIAS Newsletter (2005): 36. Machowski, Jacek. Piractwo w świetle historii i prawa. Warsaw, 2000. Geneva Conventions on the Law of the Sea., 1958. Nowakowska-Krystman, Aneta, and Piotr Gawliczek. "Core Competencies of Piracy and Maritime Terrorism." Journal of Defense Resources Management (2016). Nowakowska-Krystman, Aneta, and Piotr Gawliczek. "The Image of Piracy and Maritime Terrorism – Media as the Tool for its Development." Journal of Defense Resources Management (2016). Terroryzm morski – niedoceniane zagrożenie. Wywiad z Sebastianem Kalitowskim., 2015. Ciulkin, Katarzyna. Współczesne piractwo morskie w świetle prawa międzynarodowego., 2016. "Maritime Piracy (Part I): An Overview of Trends, Costs and Trade-related Implications and Maritime Piracy (Part II): An Overview of the International Legal Framework and of Multilateral Cooperation to Combat Piracy." In United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Geneva, 2014. Wardin, Katarzyna. Współczesne piractwo morskie zagrożeniem dla międzynarodowego transportu morskiego. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, 2009. Bomba, Alina. "Piractwo morskie." In Organizacje międzynarodowe w działaniu, 5, 7. Wrocław: OTO Agencja Reklamowa, 2014. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 … следваща › последна »