Using Remote Sensing Methods to Refine the Landscape-Morphological Regionalization for the Territory Due to the Secondary Pollutant Redistribution Across Soil Cover
Вид публикации:
Journal ArticleИсточник:
Information & Security: An International Journal, Volume 40, № 1, p.29-37 (2018)Ключевые слова (Keywords):
chemical elements migration, industrial pollutants, landscape zoning, lateral flows, remote sensing dataAbstract:
<p>Multispectral satellite imagery engagement provides the landscape-morphological zoning. This procedure was carried out over Mariupol City and its vicinities. The research area was subdivided into elementary landscape elements in accordance with migration conditions. The structure-coordinate morphological terrain network was created. The ways of pollutants’ migration from industrial objects can be determined using remote sensing data. The main localities of matter accumulation within the city are the river valleys of Kal’mius and Kal’chyk. These areas are dangerous for human livelihood.</p>