Export 8460 results:
Revolatilization of Per-sistent Organic Pollutants in the Arctic Induced by Climate Change." Nature Climate Change 1, no. 5 (2011).
"Ring Road, sei mesi con gli Alpini in Afghanistan. Milan: Mursia Editore, 2011.
Risk Analysis and Risk Management . Praha: Karolinum, 2011.
Risk-Based Security Testing in Cloud Computing Environments In PhD Sym¬posium at the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2011). Berlin, Germany, 2011.
The role of EU defence policy in the Eastern neighbourhood. Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies, 2011.
Russia and the Arab Revolutions." Russian Analytical Digest 98 (2011).
"Russia and the Arab Spring." Russian Analytical Digest (2011): 4-6.
"Russia, Britain plan to improve military ties. RIA Novosti, 2011.
Russia Holds the Capability to Deploy Missile Systems in South Ossetia and Abkhazia In RIA News ., 2011.
Russia in the Arctic . Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute Papers, U.S. Army War College, 2011.
Russia to Strengthen its Caspian Sea Fleet. Russia Today, 2011.
Russia-Central Asia: Advances and Shortcomings of the Military Partnership." In Central Asian Security Trends: Views from Europe and Russia, 1-34. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2011.
"Russian Military Has ‘No one left to draft'. RIA Novosti, 2011.
Russian Military Might Worries Region: Estonian General. DefenceTalk, 2011.
Russian Military ‘New Look’ Hovers in Limbo." Eurasia Daily Monitor 8, no. 206 (2011).
"Russian Paper Says USA Uses Kyrgyz Base to Ferry Troops to Central Asia. BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union - Political, 2011.
Russian-Led Customs Union Intensifies Sino-Russian Rivalry in Central Asia. Global Security News, 2011.
Russia–U.S. Bilateral on Cyber Security: Critical Terminology Foundations. New York and Moscow: EastWest Institute and Moscow State University, 2011.
Russland, China und die afrikanischen Staaten: Das Ringen um eine Libyenpolitik . Hamburg: GIGA, 2011.
Saudi Troops Enter Bahrain to Help Put down Unrest." New York Times (2011).
"Scenarios and Operational Concepts. ." In TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND (2011)., 2011.
"Schattennetzwerke: Der Wachsende Nexus von Terrorismus und Organisierter Kriminalität In Policy Paper. Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 2011.
Second Annual Cost of Cyber Crime Study. Ponemon Institute, 2011.
Security in Physical Distribution Networks: A Survey of Swedish Transport Operators. Vol. PhD thesis. Lund, Sweden: Lund University, 2011.
Security Policies 2.0: Can Facebook, Twitter and Co. Make an Impact?., 2011.
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