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Kriege und bewaffnete Konflikte 2011 In AKUF Analysen No. 10 . Arbeits-gemeinschaft Kriegsursachenforschung, Universität Hamburg, 2011.
Kunduz COI In Bundestag print., 2011.
KYRGYZSTAN: Newly-inaugurated President Almazbek Atambayev Says He Will Strengthen and Protect His Nation and Build Relationships with Neighbouring Countries. ITN Source, 2011.
Kyrgyzstan’s Chaotic Foreign Policy. Eurasia Daily Monitor, The Jamestown Foundation, 2011.
"Libya: France Recognises Rebels as Government." BBC News Europe (2011).
Libya: The position of the Russian Federation." Pravda (2011): 1.
""Libya: Turkey Recognises Transitional National Council." BBC News Africa (2011).
Medvedev’s Missile Shield Remarks May Be Election Rhetoric – NATO Chief. RIA Novosti, 2011.
Medwedew lobt Beziehungen mit Indien als privilegierte Partnerschaft [Medvedev Praises Relationship with India as a Privileged Partnership]. RIA Novosti, 2011.
Meeting the Challenges of Arctic Development." Offshore Magazine web-cast (2011).
"Methods, Tools and Techniques for Risk Engineering . Praha: Karolinum, 2011.
Mexico: 34,612 Drug War Deaths; 15,273 in 2010. Huffington Post , 2011.
Microiconomics. Sifia: Avangard, 2011.
Middle East Turmoil and Contagion: A Geoeconomic Tsunami for the Global Economy. Roubini Global Economics , 2011.
Mideast power and confusion." International Herald Tribune (2011).
"The Military Balance 2011: The annual assessment of global military capabilities and defence economics . London: Routledge, 2011.
"Military: Caspian Guard." (2011).
MNE 7: Access to Global Commons., 2011.
Modeling Financial Instability. Tokyo: Chuo University, 2011.
Monitoring of Public Info in Geo Ministries. Tbilisi: Institute for Development of Freedom of Information, 2011.
A Moral Adventure – Is Barack Obama as much of a foreign-policy realist as he thinks he is?" Foreign Policy (2011).
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