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Building security in an age of austerity In 2011 Munich Security Conference., 2011.
Building security in an age of austerity." In 2011 Munich Security Conference. Munich, 2011.
"Cables from Kabul: The Inside Story of the West’s Afghanistan Campaign. London: HarperPress, 2011.
Cairo Needs Help to Avoid al-Qaeda’s Grip." Financial Times (2011).
"Calm Before the Storm. Foreign Policy, 2011.
Capability Taxonomies Can Kill. The Hague, The Netherlands: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, 2011.
Caspian Sea States on Course for Naval Arms Race. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 2011.
The Casualties of War: Libya and Beyond. Oxford Research Group, 2011.
Central Asian Security Trends: Views from Europe and Russia." In Russia-Central Asia: Advances and Shortcomings of the Military Partnership, 1-34. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2011.
"Central Asian States Not to Benefit from US Afghan Pullout–Kyrgyz General. BBC Moni-toring Central Asia Unit, 2011.
Charting the Course of Uyghur Unrest." The China Quarterly 208 (2011): 911.
"China and Greater Central Asia: New Frontiers?. Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, 2011.
The China Paradox: Communist Capitalism?. The Christian Science Monitor, 2011.
The China Threat." Foreign Policy (2011).
"China: What’s Next?. The Diplomat, 2011.
CIA Chief Says AQAP Most Dangerous in ‘Global Jihad’. Xinhua News, 2011.
"Civil-Military Interaction at the Core of the EU Comprehensive Approach." NDU Scientific Quarterly 85, no. 4 (2011): 57-81.
"A Cloud Based Software Testing Paradigm for Mobile Applications." SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 36:3 (2011).
"Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigms. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011.
The Color Revolution Virus and Authoritarian Antidotes: Political Protest and Regime Counterattacks on Post-Communist Spaces." Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization (2011).
"Commander’s Guide to Female Engagement Teams. Handbook In Center for Army’s Lessons Learned. Kansas: CALL, 2011.
Comparing Norms for National Conduct in Cyberspace. New Atlanticist, 2011.
Complexitatea mediului de securitate şi impactul asupra transformării armatei." In Echilibrul de Putere şi Mediul de Securitate, 177-185. Vol. 1. Bucureşti: Centrul de Studii Strategice de Apărare şi Securitate, Universitatea Naţională de Apărare „Carol I”, 2011.
""The Comprehensive Approach to Crisis Management in a Concerted Weimar Effort." Genshagener Papiere 6 (2011).
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