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Туркменистан не будет расширять сотрудничество в противовоздушной обороне со странами СНГ. РИА Новости, 2012.
Управление стратегическими изменениями через реформы, осуществляемые ПСОСО: перспективы сотрудничества США и Армении по программе «Умная сила»." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 11, no. 4 (2012): 98-106.
"Формирование евразийского геополитического контекста." Казахстан в глобальных процессах 2 (2012): 34-44, 39.
"Энергетические проблемы в Каспийском регионе: риски и потенциал для России. Пятый Каспийский Энергетический Форум, 2012.
2011-2014. Fortalecemos la Seguridad para dar el salto definitivo hacia la Prosperidad. Bogota: Ministerio de Defensa Nacional República de Colombia, 2011.
2014 Withdrawal Dateline: An In-depth Study." Daily Outlook Afghanistan (2011).
"An Actorcentric Theory of War: Understanding the Difference Between COIN and Counterinsurgency." Joint Force Quarterly 60 (2011).
" Afghan Minister of Counter Narcotics and UNODC Visit Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. UNAMA: United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, 2011.
Afghan, Pakistani, Tajik, Russian Leaders Sign Joint Statement. BBC Monitoring Central Asia Unit, 2011.
Afghan Pullout Blow to Economy. Asia Times Online, 2011.
The Afghan Solution: The Inside Story of Abdul Haq, the CIA and How Western Hubris Lost Afghanistan. London: Bactria, 2011.
The Afghan Way of War: Culture and Pragmatism – a Critical History. London: Hurst, 2011.
"Afghanistan and the International Community: From Transition to the Transformation Decade." In The International Afghanistan Conference in Bonn., 2011.
Afghanistan’s Ethnic Puzzle: Decentralizing Power Before the U.S: Withdrawal." Foreign Affairs 90, no. 5 (2011).
"The Afghanistan-Pakistan War at the End of 2011: Strategic Failure? Talk Without Hope? Tactical Success? Spend Not Build (And Then Stop Spending)?. Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2011.
Afghans Anxious About Exit of Foreign Troops." USA Today (2011).
"Afghantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979–1989. London: Profile Books, 2011.
After Lisbon: Considerations over NATO-related Military Implications for the Bulgarian Security and Defense Policy." Securitate Prin Cooperare 6 (2011).
" "Ahmadinejad Condemns Foreign Troops in Bahrain." Financial Times (2011).
"Is Al Qaeda’s Internet Strategy Working? In Testimony presented before the U.S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee. RAND Corporation, Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, 2011.
America is Back in the Pacific and Will Uphold the Rules." Financial Times (2011).
"America’s Clout: That Shrinking Feeling." The Straits Times (2011).
"America’s Pacific Century." Foreign Policy (2011).
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