
Export 8460 results:
Willis, Reid. Survey of support software for reliability engineering. Washington Chapter, Society of Reliability Engineers, 2006.
R. dek, Ží, and M. Kelemen. "Systémové vnímanie protivníka." In Vojenské reflexie, 62. Liptovský Mikuláš: NAO, 2006.
Dezert, Jean, Albena Tchamova, Florentin Smarandache, and Pavlina Konstantinova. Target Type Tracking In Fusion 2006 conference. Firenze, Italy, 2006.
Sciolino, Elaine. "Teacher in Hiding After Attack on Islam Stirs Threats." New York Times (2006).
Hensel, Paul, Michael Allison, and Ahmed Khanani. "Territorial Integrity Treaties, Uti Possidetis, and Armed Conflict over Territory." In 2006 Shambaugh Conference “Building Synergies: Institutions and Cooperation in World Politics". University of Iowa, 2006.
Gunaratna, Rohan. "The Terror Market: Networks and Enforcements in the West." Harvard International Review Winter 2006 (2006).
McCann, Joseph T.. Terrorism on American Soil: A Concise History of Plots and Perpetrators from the Famous to the Forgotten . Boulder, CO: Sentient Publications, 2006.
Bockstette, Carsten. "Terrorismus und asymmetrische Kriegsführung als kommunikative He-rausforderung (Terrorism and Asymmetric War Fighting as a Communicative Challenge)." In Strategisches Informations- und Kommunikationsmanagement. Handbuch der sicherheits-politischen Kommunikation und Medienarbeit (Strategic Information and Communication Management. Manual for the Military Communication and Media Work). Bonn: Bernard & Graefe Verlag, 2006.
Bunn, See Matthew, and Anthony Wier. "Terrorist Nuclear Weapon Construction: How Difficult?" Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 607 (2006).
Scheuer, Michael. Through Our Enemies’ Eyes: Osama Bin Laden, Radical Islam, and the Future of America. Washington, D.C.: Potomac, 2006.
Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. New York: Back Bay Books, 2006.
Wenski, Thomas. Toward a Responsible Transition in Iraq. Washington, D.C, 2006.
Trafficking in Persons Report 2006. U.S. Department of State, 2006.
Trafficking in Persons Report “Trafficking in Persons: Global Patterns”. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 2006.
Rees, Wyn. Transatlantic Counter-Terrorism Cooperation: The New Imperative. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006.
Treddenick, Jack. Transformation and Modernization: Who Can Afford It? In The Tenth International Conference “Security and Defence Policy: New Security Challenges and the Security Sector Transformation”. Sofia: “G.S. Rakovski” Defence and Staff College, 2006.
Abashin, Sergei. "The Transformation of Ethnic Identity in Central Asia: A Case Study of the Uzbeks and Tajiks." Russian Regional Perspectives Journal 1, no. 2 (2006): 32-35.
Marat, Erica. The Tulip Revolution: Kyrgyzstan One Year After, March 15, 2005–March 24, 2006. Washington: Jamestown Foundation, 2006.
Wright, Elisabeth. "Twenty-First Century Defense Acquisition: Challenges and Opportunities." Connections: The Quarterly Journal (2006): 71-80.
"UK Troops ‘Must Beat Back the Taliban this Year." Financial Times (2006).
"UK Warned of More Afghanistan Deaths." Financial Times (2006).
Konieczna, Joanna. Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution”: Changes in the Social Attitudes and Values In CES Report. Warsaw: The Centre for Eastern Studies, 2006.
"Ukraine Secures Gas Supplies for Questionable Political Price." FSU Oil & Gas Monitor (2006): 7.
Jenkins, Brian Michael. Unconquerable Nation: Knowing Our Enemy, Strengthening Ourselves . Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2006.
Alberts, David S., and Richard E. Hayes. Understanding Command and Control . Washington, D.C.: Center for Advanced Concepts and Technology, 2006.
