
Export 8460 results:
Law, David M.. "Rethinking the Code of Conduct in the Light of Security Sector Reform." In Consolidating the OSCE, 83-105., 2006.
Siboro, Tiarma. "RI to Join U.S.-led Security Arrangement." The Jakarta Post (2006).
Riga Summit Declaration. NATO, 2006.
Butler, Michael, Cliff B. Jones, Alexander Romanovsky, and Elena Troubitsyna. Rigorous Development of Complex Fault-Tolerant Systems. Berlin: Springer, 2006.
Weitz, Richard. "Rinnovare i partenariati dell’Asia Centrale." Nato Review (2006).
Tupy, Marian L.. The Rise of Populist Parties in Central Europe: Big Government, Corruption, and the Threat to Liberalism. Washington, D.C.: CATO Institute, 2006.
Chanlett-Avery, Emma. Rising Energy Competition and Energy Security in Northeast Asia: Issues for U.S. Policy In CRS Report. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2006.
Tsvetkov, Gueorgui. "Risk Management." Military Journal 113, no. 5 (2006).
Risk Management Guide for DoD Acquisition, Sixth Edition ., 2006.
Molis, Arunas. "The Role and Interests of Small States in Developing European Security and Defence Policy." Baltic Security & Defence Review (2006).
Stevenson, Jonathan. "The Role of Armed Forces of the United Kingdom in Securing the State against Terrorism." In Armies in Homeland Security: American and European Perspectives, ed. John L. Clarke. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 2006.
Mocanu, Carmen. "Romanian Intelligence Service Catches Terrorists Regularly." Ziua (2006).
Reilly, Robert. The Roots of Islamist Ideology. London: Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, 2006.
Chung, Joanna, and Arkady Ostrovsky. "Rosneft IPO Fails to Attract Big Players." Financial Times (2006): 9.
Holmes, Leslie. Rotten States? Corruption, Post-Communism, and Neoliberalism. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006.
defense), Stanislaw Koziej(a. "The ruination of NATO in Afghanistan." Gazeta Wyborcza (2006).
Finn, Peter. "Russia and Ukraine Reach Deal on Gas, Ending Dispute." The Washington Post (2006): A12.
Qiang, Guo. Russia, China Cement Oil Cooperation., 2006.
Gorenburg, Dmitry. "Russia Confronts Radical Islam." Current History (2006).
Ostrovsky, Arkady. "Russia May Tighten Foreign Oil Groups’ Access to Reserves." Financial Times (2006): 8.
Fuller, Liz. "Russia: Ministry Admits Chechen Resistance Still Poses ‘Serious Threat’." RFE/RL (2006).
Drozdiak, William. "Russia: More Awkward, But Still Indispensable." European Affairs 7, no. 1 (2006).
Yasmann, Victor. Russia: Moscow’s New Nuclear Strategy. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 2006.
Watkins, Eric. "Russia Nixes East Siberia Pipeline Route." Oil & Gas Journal Daily Update (2006).
Kramer, Andrew E.. "Russia Restores Most of Gas Cut to Ukraine Line." The New York Times (2006).
