Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications An extended security framework for e-government In IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. Taipei, Taiwan: IEEE, 2008. Karokola, Geoffrey Rwezaura. A Framework for Securing e-Government Services: The Case of Tanzania In Computer and Systems Sciences. Vol. Doctor. Sweden: Stockholm University, 2012. Røberg, Pernille Monstad, Leif Skiftenes Flak, and Per Myrseth. "Unveiling Barriers and Enablers of Risk Management in Interoperability Efforts." In 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Waikoloa, HI, USA : IEEE, 2014. Schneider, Richard M.. A comparison of information security risk analysis in the context of e-government to criminological threat assessment techniques In InfoSecCD '10 2010 Information Security Curriculum Development Conference. Kennesaw, Georgia, 2010. Roman, Alexandru V.. "Delineating Three Dimensions of E-Government Success: Security, Functionality, and Transformation." In E-Government Success Factors and Measures: Theories, Concepts, and Methodologies. Choejey, Pema, Chun Che Fung, Kok Wai Wong, David Murray, and Hong Xie. "Cybersecurity Practices for E-Government: An Assessment in Bhutan." In The 10th International Conference on e-Business (iNCEB2015)., 2015. Lukorito, Graham Masinde. Information security threats and E-government initiatives at the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) In School of business. Vol. Master of Business Administration. University of Nairobi, 2012. Putra, Septaansyah Dwi, Ma 'muri, Sarwono Sutikno, Yusuf Kurniawan, and Adang Suwandi Ahmad. "Design of an AES Device as Device Under Test in a DPA Attack." International Journal of Network Security 20, no. 2 (2018): 256-265. Limwiriyakul, Sunsern. A method for securing online community service: A study of selected Western Australian councils. Edith Cowan University, 2012. Sulehat, Naser Ahmad, and Che Azlan Taib. "E - Government Information Systems Interoperability in Developing Countries: The Case of Jordan." Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies 2, no. 1 (2016). Prima, Edit, Yudho G. Sucahyo, and Zainal A. Hasibuan. "Mapping the certification authority for e-government procurement system into eGovAMAN framework." In International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS). Bali, Indonesia: IEEE, 2013. Sahi, Geetanjali, and Sushila Madan. "Information Security Threats in ERP Enabled E-Governance: Challenges and Solutions." In Strategic Enterprise Resource Planning Models for E-Government: Applications and Methodologies, 158-170. IGI Global, 2012. Azim, Muzaffar, and Kazim S. Naqvi. "A Security Framework for Cloud Based Egovernance System." International Journal of Science, Technology & Management 4, no. 2 (2015). Cheung, Simon K. S.. Information Security Management for Higher Education Institutions In Intelligent Data analysis and its Applications, Proceeding of the First Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications. Vol. I. Shenzhen, China, 2014. Jacob, Deden Witarsyah, Mohd Farhan M. D. Fudzee, and Mohamad Aizi Salamat. "A Conceptual Study on Generic End Users Adoption of e-Government Services." International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 7, no. 3 (2017). Roman, Alexandru V.. "Realizing E-Government: Delineating Implementation Challenges and Defining Success." In Digital Public Administration and E-Government in Developing Nations: Policy and Practice, 112-137. IGI Global, 2013. Moharana, Chitta Ranjan, Manas Kumar Pal, and Debasish Rout. "Information and Network Security in E-Governance: Perspective and Issues." International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences 16, no. 1 (2012). Al-Aghbari, Anas, Othman Ibrahim, and Faisal Saeed. "E-Government Readiness Ranking and Challenges in Yemen." In 1st International Conference of Recent Trends in Information and Communication Technologies., 2014. Lupilya, Emmanuel C.. Exploring Factors for E-Government Innovation and Transformation in Tanzania In Graduate School of Public Administration . Vol. Ph.D of Public Policy. Seoul National University Public Policy, 2016. Harmouch, Youssef, Rachid Elkouch, and Hussain Ben-azza. "Multiple New Formulas for Cipher Performance Computing." International Journal of Network Security 20, no. 4 (2018): 788-800. Ihmouda, Rabia, Najwa Hayaati Mo Alwi, and Ismail Abdullah. "Successful Factors on E-Government Security Social-Technical Aspect." ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 10, no. 20 (2015). khater, Nouf Rashed Al. A model of a Private Sector Organisation's Intention to Adopt Cloud Computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia In Faculty of Physical Sciences And Engineering Department of Electronics and Computer Science. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science. University of Southampton, 2017. Iskender, Gökhan. A Quantitative Analysis on the Probable Factors Affecting the Success of E‐Government Transformation in Turkey: A Study Based on the Data of Internal and External Stakeholders In The Department of Information Systems. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. The Middle East Technical University, 2013. Jallood, Jwan. Development of E-Government Application to Manage Patients’ Information: A Case Study of Health Sector In Mosul – Iraq In Graduate School Of Natural And Applied Sciences, Computer Engineering. Çankaya University, 2013. Aiyadurai, Yoganand. Hippocratic data sharing in e-government space with contract management In Information Technology in the Department of Information Technology Faculty of Accounting and Informatics. Vol. Magister Technologiae. Durban University of Technology, 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 … следваща › последна »