Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Rigante, Sara. "Sensing with Advanced Computing Technology: Fin Field-Effect Transistors with High-K Gate Stack on Bulk Silicon." ACS Nano 9, no. 15 (2015): 4872-4881. Cesare, Chris. "Online Security Braces for Quantum Revolution." Nature 525 (2015): 167-168. Veldhorst, Menno. "A Two-qubit Logic Gate in Silicon." Nature 526 (2015): 410-414. Wu, King-Chuen. "Nanotechnology in the Regulation of Stem Cell Behavior." Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 14 (2013). Integrated Research and Industrial Roadmap for European Nanotechnology. Nanofutures, 2012. "How Close Are We to Real Nanotechnology?" Humanity (2009). Commission, European. Nanotechnology: The Invisible Giant Tackling Europe’s Future Challenges. Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union, 2013. Huda, Solichul, Riyanarto Sarno, and Tohari Ahmad. "Fuzzy MADM Approach for Rating of Process-Based Fraud." Journal of ICT Research and Applications, Institut Teknologi Bandung 9, no. 2 (2015). Hofmann, Marko A.. Reasoning beyond predictive validity: the role of plausibility in decision-supporting social simulation In Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. Vol. 2728-2739. IEEE Press Piscataway, NJ, USA ©2015, 2015. Chauvin, Justine. "Book Review: Cyber War Will Not Take Place." Interstate - Journal of International Affairs 2015/2016, no. 2 (2015). Blasch, Erik, Youakim Badr, Salim Hariri, and Youssif Al-Nashif. "Fusion Trust Service Assessment for Crisis Management Environments." In Fusion Methodologies in Crisis Management, 389-420. Galina Rogova, Peter Scott ed. Vol. Part IV. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016. Brázová, Věra – Karin. "Response of Central European Civil Security Systems to the Economic Crisis." Central European Journal of Public Policy 9 , no. 2 (2015). Manjula, D., and J. Thilagavathi. "Study on False Positive Reduction i n Unbalanced Datasets through SVM Using Cost Based Learning." International Journal of Trend in Research and Development 2(6), (2015). Lakshika, Erandi, Michael Barlow, and Adam Easton. "Evolving High Fidelity Low Complexity Sheepdog Herding Simulations Using a Machine Learner Fitness Function Surrogate for Human Judgement." In AI 2015: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Bernhard Pfahringer, Jochen Renz ed. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015. Denga, Xinyang, Qi Liub, and Yong Deng. "Matrix games with payoffs of belief structures." Applied Mathematics and Computation 273 (2016). Deepa, R. Design of a clustering protocol and a Trust model for service discovery in Mobile ad hoc networks., 2015. Learn, ATW. Author Archives: kelleycatt., 2012. Cavelty, Myriam Dunn. "Die materiellen Ursachen des Cyberkriegs Cybersicherheitspolitik jenseits diskursiver Erklär ungen ." Journal of self-regulation and regulation 01 (2015). Domingos, Silvio Luiz. O uso de algoritmos não supervisionados na descoberta de padrões em transações de cartão de crédito: uma análise comparativa entre SOM, EM e K-means., 2015. García, D.A. López. "A flexible e-voting scheme for debate tools ." Computers & Security 56 (2016). SARDIA, SATTAM J. U. M. A. H. F. A. L. A.. THE RELATIONSHIP OF EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS CHANGE PRACTICES, ROLE STRESSOR AND INTERNAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN JORDAN’S TELEC OMMUNICATION COMPANIES. UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA, 2014. Choejey, Pema, Chun Che Fung, Kok Wai Wong, David Murray, and Hong Xie. Cybersecurity Practices for E - Government: An Assessment in Bhutan In The 10 th International Conference on e - Business (iNCEB2015)., 2015. García, D. A. López. "A flexible e-Voting scheme for debating tools ." Computers & Security 56 (2016). Li, Xingan, Henry Joutsijoki, Jorma Laurikkala, and Martti Juhola. Crime vs. demographic factors revisited: Application of data mining methods In Webology., 2015. Smarandache, Florentin. Unification of Fusion Theories, Rules, Filters, Image Fusion and Target Tracking Methods (UFT). Columbus: The Educational Publisher, 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 … следваща › последна »