Vesselin Petkov IntroductionShort CVinsert short SV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Austrian Cyber Security Strategy., 2013. Klaic, Aleksandar, and Anita Peresin. "The Impact of the National Information Security Regulation Framework on Cyber Security in Global Environment." In International Scientific Conference on Corporate Security in Dynamic Global Environment - Challenges and Risks, 85-96. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Institute for Corporative Security Studies, 2012. Croatian National CERT. Early Warning System on the Internet., 2015. Public discussion of the Croatian National Cyber Security Strategy Proposal. Office of the National Security Council, 2015. "Government Decision on Adoption of National Cyber Security Strategy and the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy (in Croatian)." Croatian Official Gazette 108 (2015). Croatian National Information Security Programme (in Croatian)., 2005. "Ordinance on the Method and the Terms for the Implementation of the Measures for the Protection of Security and Integrity of the Networks and Services (in Croatian)." Croatian Official Gazette NN 109/2012, NN 33/2013, NN 126/2013 (2013). Republic of Croatia, Office of the National Security Council., 2015. Commission, European. Commission Staff Working Document: The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Report 2015. Brussels, 2015. Republic of Macedonia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs., 2015. Secretariat of the Security Committee. Finland's Cyber Security Strategy., 2013. ENISA. ENISA Threat Landscape 2014: Overview of current and emerging cyber-threats., 2014. Tasevski, Predrag. Interactive Cyber Security Awareness Program. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), 2012. Abusara, Adel. "A comprehensive cyber awareness campaign – a 'Prequel' to strong and lasting cybersecurity PPP in Serbia." In DCAF Young Faces 2014 – Cybersecurity Winter School for the Western Balkans., 2014. Surf Safely. IFS-EMMAUS, 2015. CyberCrime.BG., 2015. Kids Online, Bulgarian Safer Internet Node., 2015. Bulgarian Hotline for Fighting Illegal and Harmful Content in Internet., 2015. Cyberalbania., 2015. Centar za sigurniji internet., 2015. Children's Rights on the Internet – Safe and Protected., 2015. Privacy., 2015. About. Metamorphosis, 2015. Children’s Rights on the Internet – Safe and Protected. Metamorphosis, 2015. DPDP., 2015. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 … следваща › последна »