Most cited

Статьия Авторы Цитирования
Security Sector Reform (1)
COVID-19 in the Central Asian Region: National Responses and Regional Implications (1)
Human Trafficking in South Eastern Europe (1)
Службы безопасности и парламентские комиссии для расследования в Германии: прозрачность или конфиденциальность S. von Münchow (1)
Cross-domain Coercion as Russia’s Endeavor to Weaken the Eastern Flank of NATO: A Latvian Case Study (1)
Strategic Communication: An Integral Component of Counterinsurgency Operations (1)
Supporting Learner Mobility in SCORM-Compliant Learning Environments with ISN Mobler Cards (1)
Towards Effective Democratic Oversight of Intelligence Services: Lessons Learned from Comparing National Practices (1)
Cultural Foundations of Transparent Governments (1)
The Debate on NATO Expansion (1)
Hybrid Warfare and Cyber Effects in Energy Infrastructure (1)
Terrorism—A Cultural Phenomenon? (1)
Balancing Defense and Civil Support Tasks: The Impact of Covid-19 on the Bulgarian Military’s Roles (1)
Some Key Principles of Multinational Military Education (1)
Южный Кавказ: поле игры между НАТО и Россией? Э. Насиров; Х. Искандаров; С. Садиев (1)
NATO in Afghanistan: A Test of the Transatlantic Alliance (1)
Transatlantic Relations after the War in Iraq (1)
Assessing the Maturity of National Cybersecurity and Resilience (1)
The Soviet Legacy: Transforming Bulgaria’s Armed Forces for Homeland Security Missions (1)
The Mole and the Mallet: Islamic State and al-Qaeda in the ‘Thirty Years' War’ in the Middle East (1)
Dynamics of Maritime Terrorist Threats to Russia and the Government’s Response (1)
Coronavirus Pandemic and Reactions in the EU Accession Classes of 2004-2007 (1)
Human Trafficking: Breaking the Military Link (1)
NATO and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Time to Bring It Home (1)
The Concept of Deterrence and its Applicability in the Cyber Domain (1)
