
Export 8462 results:
Hughes, Rex B.. "NATO and CyberDefence- Mission Accomplished?" (2009).
Arnell, Kristell. NATO and Sweden Joint Live Experiment on NEC: A First Step Towards a NEC Realization. The Hague: NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency, 2009.
Sweeney, Conor. NATO Chief Opposes Russia's Security Pact Proposal. 17 December 2009 ed. Reuters, 2009.
Sperling, James, and Mark Webber. "NATO: From Kosovo to Kabul." International Affairs 85, no. 3 (2009): 500.
Strøm-Erichsen, Anne-Grete. NATO in the 21st Century. Leangkollen Seminar, 2009.
NATO Launches Reference Curriculum for Defense Institution Building. NATO, 2009.
Litovkin, Victor. "NATO Officially Invited Kazakhstan to Send its Peacekeepers to Afghanistan." Nezavisimaya Gazeta (2009).
McLane, Bruce. "NATO Reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina." In Supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenge of Reaching Self-Sustainability in a Post-War Environment, 67-76. Vienna: Austrian Federal Ministry of Defense, 2009.
Sireci, Jonathan, and Damon Coletta. "NATO’s Realist Foundation, Enduring without an Enemy." Perspectives, Central European Review of International Affairs 17, no. 157 (2009): 57.
NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, speech at an event jointly organized by the Institute for National Security Studies and the Atlantic Forum of Israel, Tel Aviv., 2009.
Higashi, Nobuyuki. Natural Gas in China: Market Evolution and Strategy International Energy Agency In Working Paper., 2009.
Mazneva, Elena. "Neft na 20 let vpered." Vedomosti 29 (2299) (2009).
Mahbubani, Kishore. The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East. New York, NY: Public Affairs, 2009.
New Deal on U.S. Air Base in Kyrgyzstan Signed into Law. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 2009.
Bailes, Alyson. New European Security Treaty Worth Trying. Utrikesbloggen, 2009.
Beres, Louis Rene. "A New Military Reality: Existential Vulnerability Without First Losing A War." PTSS DAILY (2009).
New Naval Task Force Won’t Eradicate Piracy – Expert. ITAR-TASS, 2009.
Craven, Jackie. The New York World Trade Center In, 2009.
Broder, John M.. "News Analysis: Obama’s Greenhouse Gamble." New York Times (2009).
Indyk, Ari. Nicolas Sarkozy’s Mediation of the Crisis in the Caucasus. PiCA, A Global Research Organization, 2009.
Kuchins, Andrew C., and Thomas M. Sanderson. The Northern Distribution Network and the Modern Silk Road: Planning for Afghanistan’s Future. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2009.
Czulda, Robert. "Nowe wyzwania i zagrożenia na obszarach morskich." Przegląd Morski (2009): 41.
Jintao, Hu. Obama agrees to build positive Sino-US ties. Beijing: CCTV, 2009.
Good, Chris. The Obama Doctrine: Multilateralism with Teeth., 2009.
Madej, Marek. "Obama’s Missile Defense Rethink: The Polish Reaction." The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (2009): 2.
