
Export 8454 results:
Pohyl, Viktoriya, and Aleksandr Kharybin. "The Estimation and Supporting Methods of the Functional Safety of the Aircraft Onboard control & Information System." Radio-Electronic and Computer Systems (2010): 278-82.
Holland, Edward C., and John O’Loughlin. "Ethnic Competition, Radical Islam, and Challenges to Stability in the Republic of Dagestan." Communist & Post-Communist Studies 43 (2010): 297-308.
Das, Samir Kumar. Ethnic Conflicts and Internal Security: A Plea for Reconstructing Civil Society in Assam. Faultlines, 2010.
Kotanjian, Hayk. Ethnic Policy of Conflicts. Basics of Military Policy and National Security of Armenia. Yerevan: Tigran Mets Publishing House and INSS, MoD, 2010.
Reinhard, Janine. "EU Democracy Promotion Through Conditionality in its Neighbourhood: The Temptation of Membership Perspective or Flexible Integration." Caucasian Review of International Affairs 4, no. 3 (2010): 196-213.
The EU Internal Security Strategy in Action: Five Steps Towards a More Secure Europe. Brussels: European Commission, 2010.
Commission, European. The EU Internal Security Strategy in Action: Five steps towards a more secure Europe, COM(2010). Brussels, 2010.
Ingerstad, Gabriella, and Paul Sturm. EU-NATO: Assets and Interoperability In Conference Report (Brussels: ISIS Europe and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, ., 2010.
"European Civil Protection: How Does It Relate to Humanitarian Aid?" Voice News (2010).
European Commission, Climate Action: The EU Climate and Energy Package ., 2010.
Lindley-French, Julian, and Algieri. "A European Defence Strategy.", 67., 2010.
Force, Royal Air. "Expeditionary Air Wings." (2010).
Falliere, Nicolas. "Exploring Stuxnet’s PLC Infection Process." Symantec Connect (2010).
Davies, Lizzy. "Fatal storm sweeps through France. At least 40 killed as hur¬ricane-force winds and torrential rains bring flooding to central and western France." The Guardian (2010).
Schreurs, Miranda A.. "Federalism and the Climate: Canada and the European Union." International Journal 66:1 (2010).
FILIT: Otvorená filozofická encyklopédia., 2010.
Locher, Anna. "Finland: Crisis Management and Territorial Defence." CSS Analysis in Security Policy 68 (2010).
Bonzanni, Andrea. "For the West, ‘Game Over’ in Central Asia." European Dialogue (2010).
de Dardel, Jean-Jacques. "Foreword." In Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence: A Compendium of Best Practices. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2010.
Turner, John. "From Cottage Industry to International Organisation: The Evolution of Salafi-Ji-hadism and the Emergence of the Al Qaeda Ideology." Terrorism and Political Violence 22 (2010): 542.
Shadian, Jessica. "From States to Polities: Reconceptualizing Sovereignty through Inuit Governance." European Journal of International Relations 16, no. 3 (2010): 485-510.
Ojha, Deo Brat, and Ajay Sharma. "A Fuzzy Commitment Scheme with McEliece’s Cipher." Survey in Mathematics and Its Application 5 (2010): 73-83.
Pincus, Walter. "GAO urges changes in budgeting for national security." Washington Post (2010).
Gazprom’s official website., 2010.
Aldrich, Richard. GCHQ: The Uncensored History of Britain’s Most Secret Intelligence Agency. London: Harper Press, 2010.
