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Imarat Kavkaz. Ogon sviashchennogo jihada [The Caucasus Emirate. The Fire of Holy Jihad]., 2011.
Mölling, Christian, and Sophie-Charlotte Brune. The Impact of the Financial Crisis on European Defence. European Parliament, Directorate General for External Policies, 2011.
Taylor, Claire. In Brief: Parliamentary Approval for Deploying the Armed Forces. House of Commons Standard Note SN/IA/5908 (Lon¬don: House of Commons Library, 2011.
Giles, Keir. "‘Information Troops’—A Russian Cyber Command?" In 3rd International Conference on Cyber Conflict, 50. Tallinn: CCD COE Publications, 2011.
Initial Analysis of the Industrial Case Studies. Aniketos Deliverable 6.1, 2011.
Davies, Neil, A. Eager, M. Maier, and L. Penfold. Intergenerational Equipment Cost Escalation In DASA-DESA, Economic Working Paper Series. London: U.K.: Ministry of Defence, 2011.
Hodge, Graeme A., Carsten Greve, and Anthony E. Boardman. International Handbook on Public-Private Partnerships. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2011.
Born, Hans, Ian Leigh, and Aidan Wills. International Intelligence Cooperation and Accountability . London: Routlege, 2011.
International Strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity, Security and Openness in a Networked World. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2011.
Krasner, Stephen D.. "International Support for State-Building: Flawed Consensus." PRISM Security Studies Journal 2, no. 3 (2011): 65-74.
"Interview with Konstantin Syroyezhkin." ObshestvenniiReiting (2011).
Ganuza, Néstor, Alberto Hernández, and Daniel Benavente. An Introductory Study to Cyber Security in NEC. Tallinn: NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, 2011.
Iran, Azerbaijan in Tense Caspian Standoff, Cables Show., 2011.
Iraq and Afghanistan: Actions Needed to Enhance the Ability of Army Brigades to Support the Advising Mission. Washington, D.C.: GAO, 2011.
Majumdar, Shuvaloy. The Iraq War and the Arab Spring. Global Brief, 2011.
Clinton, Hillary. Israeli Settlements Condemned by Western Powers. BBC News , 2011.
Clinton, Hillary. Israeli Settlements ‘Illegitimate’., 2011.
Aydintasbas, Asli. Is it Wrong to Say ‘the First Republic Has Ended’?. Milliyet website (Istanbul; in Turkish) , 2011.
Aydintasbas, Asli. Is it Wrong to Say ‘the First Republic Has Ended'. Istanbul; in Turkish: Milliyet website, 2011.
Bremmer, Ian. "The J-curve hits the Middle East." Financial Times (2011).
Joint Statement by Cybersecurity Coordinator Schmidt and Deputy Secretary Klimashin: U.S. and Russian Delegations Meet to Discuss Confidence-Building Measures in Cyberspace., 2011.
Hensen, Chris. "Jullie Weten Dat Wij Een Brandhaard Zijn.’ Instabiliteit in Centraal-Azië President Roza Otoenbajeva Van Kirgizië Vertelt over Haar Angst Voor Chaos En Geweld (Interview with Kyrgyz President Otunbayeva in Brussels Warning of Regional Chaos)." NRC Handelsblad Online (2011).
Vatchagayev, Mairbek. "Kabardino-Balkaria’s ‘Black Hawks’: Grassroots Vigilantes or FSB Surrogates?" North Caucasus Analysis 12, no. 1 (2011).
Kazakh MPs Approve Bill on New Transit Point for US Cargo to Afghanistan. BBC Monitoring Central Asia Unit, 2011.
"Kazakh Officers Will Not Take Part in Combat Operation in Afghanistan–Ministry." Interfax-Kazakhstan (2011).
