
Export 8460 results:
Zein, H.. "Syria Rejects Decisions of AL Ministerial Meeting as Flagrant Interference in Syria’s Affairs & Encroachment on its National Sovereignty." Sana Syria News Agency (2012).
Nolen, Stephanie. "A Taboo Thought in Pakistan: What if Drones Work?" The Globe and Mail (Toronto) (2012).
Tajik Parliament Ratifies Tajik-Russian Agreement on Border Cooperation. Russia and CIS General Newswire, 2012.
Palau, Rainer G.. The TAPI Natural Gas Pipeline: Status and Source of Potential Delays., 2012.
Thematic scenario portfolio (Work Packages 3-7) with reference scenarios for “Security Research 2035” . FOCUS Deliverable 8.1, 2012.
Šenovský, Michail, Milan Oravec, and Pavel Šenovský. Theory of Crisis Management. Ostrava: SPBI, 2012.
Strachan-Morris, David. "Threat and Risk: What Is the Difference and Why Does It Matter?" Intelligence and National Security 27, no. 2 (2012): 172-186.
Warrick, Joby. "Tiny Azerbaijan Unleashes Pop-Power Against Iran’s Mullahs." Washington Post (2012).
Van Rompuy, Herman. Towards a genuine Economic and Monetary Union - Report by President of the European Council. Brussels, 2012.
Hallams, Ellen, and Benjamin Schreer. "Towards a ‘post-American’ alliance? NATO burden-sharing after Libya." International Affairs 88, no. 2 (2012): 313-327.
Gezgin, Tayfun, Christoph Etzien, Stefan Henkler, and Achim Rettberg. Towards a Rigorous Modeling Formalism for Systems of Systems In 15th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops., 2012.
Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2012: Smart Regulation for a Broadband World. Geneva: International Telecommunication Union, 2012.
Muller, Tilo, Felix C. Freiling, and Andreas Dewald. TRESOR Runs Encryption Securely Outside RAM. Department of Computer Science University of Erlangen, Laboratory for Dependable Distributed Systems University of Mannheim, 2012.
Blass, Erik-Oliver, and William Robertson. TRESOR-HUNT: Attacking CPU-Bound Encryptio. Northeastern University, 2012.
Zhang, Yongjin, and Barry Buzan. "The Tributary System as International Society in Theory and Practice." Chinese Journal of International Politics 5, no. 1 (2012): 3-36.
Kucera, Joshua. Turkey Promises to Boost Military Aid to Kyrgyzstan., 2012.
Turkmenistan Executive Summary. London: IHS Global Limited, 2012.
Nichol, Jim. Turkmenistan: Recent Developments and U.S. Interests, CRS Report for Congress. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2012.
Story, H., R. Blin, J. Subercaze, Christophe Gravier, and P. Maret. "Turning a Web 2.0 Social Network into a Web 3.0,distributed, and secured Social Web Application." In WWW 2012 Companion. Lyon, France, 2012.
Blitz, James. "UK seeks deals to counter cyber attacks." Financial Times (2012).
UN Envoy Brahimi says Syria Mission ‘Nearly Impossible‘. BBC News, 2012.
News, AKIpress. UN Secretary General, Foreign Minister Kazakbaev Discuss Reconciliation and Regional Issues. ISI Emerging Markets, 2012.
UN Security Council, press statement on Syria., 2012.
UN Security Council Resolution 2043., 2012.
UN Security Council Resolution 2059., 2012.
