
Export 8462 results:
Verdun, Amy, and Osvaldo Croci. The European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement. Institutional and Policy-making Challenges. New York,Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995.
Tchamova, Albena. Evidence Reasoning Logic and Fuzzy Set Theory: Combined Method for Resolving Conflict Assignments in Attributes Data Association Systems In IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing. Vol. 2. Halkidiki, Greece, 1995.
Mearsheimer, John J.. "The False Promise of International Institutions." International Security 19, no. 3 (1995): 11-12.
Ivanova, Petya. Feature Selection for Neural Network Forecaster by Genetic Algorithms In 12th International Conference on Systems Science. Vol. 3. Wrozlaw, Poland, 1995.
Butler, Deborah L., and Philip H. Winne. "Feedback and Self-Regulated Learning: A Theoretical Synthesis." Review of Educational Research 65, no. 3 (1995): 254-81.
Rosa, Ryszard. Filozofia bezpieczeństwa. Warsaw: Bellona, 1995.
Parnas, David Lorge, and Jan Madey. "Functional Documents for Computer Systems." Science of Computer Programming 25, no. 1 (1995): 41-61.
Mendel, J.M.. Fuzzy Logic Systems for Engineering: A Tutorial. Vol. 345-377. IEEE 83, 3 (March 1995): ., 1995.
Ginsburg, Jane C.. "Global Use/Territorial Rights: Private International Law questions of the Global Information Infrastructure." Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA 42 (1995): 319-320.
Lee, C.A., L.F. Wilson, D.M. Nicol, and J. Steinman. Global Virtual Time and Distributed Synchronization In 1995 Parallel and Distributed Simulation Conference (PADS’95). 139-148, 1995.
Brown, R.. "Globalization and the End of the National Project." In Boundaries in Question. New Directions in International Relations., 1995.
Hunter, Shireen. "Greater Azerbaijan: Myth or Reality?" In Le Caucase Postsoviétique: la transition dans le conflit . Brussels: Bruylant, 1995.
Rawlings, Philip. "The Idea of Policing: A History." Policing and Society 5 (1995): 129-49.
IEEE Standard for Distributed Interactive Simulation - Application Protocols. 1278.1-1995 ed. IEEE, 1995.
Ash, Timothy Garton. Im Namen Europas. Munich-Vienna: Fischer, 1995.
Blackman, S., M. Bush, and R. Popoli. IMM/MHT tracking and data association for benchmark problem In American Control Conference ., 1995.
Koprinkova, Petya. Influence Investigation of the Shape of Fuzzy Variables Membership Functions on the Control Surface Shape of a Fuzzy Logic Controller In National Conference ‘Automatics and Informatics'95., 1995.
Shalamanov, Velizar. Information Environment for Analysis and Assessment of Military Threats. Sofia: Rakovsky Defense and Staff College,, 1995.
Smarandache, Florentin, and Jean Dezert. Information Fusion Based on New Proportional Conflict Redistribution Rules In Information Fusion. Philadelphia, USA, 1995.
Mayer, Richard J., Christopher P. Menzel, Michael K. Painter, Benjamin Perakath, Thomas Blinn, and Paula S. deWitte. Information Integration for Concurrent Engineering. IDEF3 Process Description Capture Method Report, 1995.
Veloso, M., Jim Blythe, E. Fink, D. Borrajo, A. Perez, and J. Carbonell. "Integrating planning and learning: The Prodigy architecture." Journal of Experimental and Theoretical AI 7 (1995): 81-120.
Adams, David. "Internal Military Intervention in the United States." Journal of Peace Research 32, no. 2 (1995): 197-211.
Holm, Hans-Henrik, and Georg Sorensen. "International Relations Theory in a World of Variation." In Whose World Order? Uneven Globalization and the End of the Cold War, 204. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995.
Klopotek, M.A.. "Interpretation of belief function in Dempster-Shafer theory." Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 20, no. 40 (1995): 287-306.
Fadlallah, Muhammad Hussayn. "Interview: Islamic Unity and Political Change." Journal of Palestine Studies 25, no. 1 (1995): 61-75.
