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Энергетическая безопасность: изменение парадигмы." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 12, no. 4 (2013): 87-112.
"Этнос и политика на Северном Кавказе: черкесский вопрос. Москвa: Кавказский центр исследовательских ресурсов, 2013.
Южный форпост России." Красная звезда (2013).
"The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
2012 Burgas bus bombing. Wikipedia, 2012.
2012 Norton Cybercrime Report. Symantec, 2012.
7 reported killed in terror attack against Israelis in Bulgaria." Haaretz (2012).
"Access to Information by Intelligence and Security Service Oversight Bodies In Geneva: DCAF., 2012.
ADB Remains Key Partner of Uzbekistan. Baku, Azerbaijan : Trend News Agency, 2012.
Addressing Cyber Instability: Executive Summary. Cyber Conflict Studies Association Web Site, 2012.
ADL Mobile Learning Handbook. ADL Web site, 2012.
Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative In Experience API. Draft Specification., 2012.
Adventures with Daisy in Thunderbolt-DMA-land: Hacking Macs through the Thunderbolt interface. Break&, Security News, Tools & Methodology, 2012.
Afghan Worries Prompt US Defence Aid for Uzbekistan. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 2012.
Afghanistan Index: Tracking Variables of Reconstruction & Security in Post-9/11 Afghanistan. Brookings Institute, 2012.
Afghanistan to 2015 and Beyond In Adelphi Series. Vol. 425–26. International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2012.
After America." Foreign Policy (2012): 26-29.
" "Akhmed Chataev Innocent – MIA Compelled Witness to Sign Fake Testimonies., 2012.
Al Qaeda 3.0: Terrorism’s Emergent New Power Bases." The Daily Beast (2012).
"Al Qaeda Rejects Anders Behring Breivik Comparison." The Telegraph (2012).
"Al Qaeda’s Online Forums Go Dark for Extended Period." Washington Post (2012).
"The Alchemy of Revolution: The Role of Social Networks and New Media in the Arab Spring." GCSP Policy Paper 7 (2012).
"The Alchemy of Revolution: The Role of Social Networks and New Media in the Arab Spring. Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 2012.
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