
Export 8461 results:
Lee, Robert E.. Strawman Joint Operational Architecture In Briefing to the C4ISR Architecture Working Group., 1997.
Drašar, Pavel B.. Survival: některé psychologické a teoretické aspekty přežití /Some Psychological and Theoretical Aspects of Survival/ . Ostrava: SPBI, 1997.
Karr, Clark R., Douglas A. Reece, and Robert W. Franceschini. "Synthetic Soldiers." IEEE Spectrum 31, no. 3 (1997): 39-45.
Moravcsik, Andrew. "Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics." International Organization 51, no. 4 (1997): 513-553.
Swazey, Judith P., and Stephanie J. Bird. "Teaching and Learning Research Ethics." In Research Ethics: A Reader. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1997.
Milashinovich, M.P.. Terror of the West Over Modern Society. Belgrade: BIGZ, 1997.
Höpken, Wolfgang. "Textbooks and Reconciliation in Southeastern Europe." In Culture and Reconciliation in Southeastern Europe, 90-104. Vol. 2. Thessaloniki: Paratiritis , 1997.
Blondell, Jean. "Then and Now: Comparative Politics." Political Studies (1997).
Weber, Max. The Theory of Social and Economic Organization., 1997.
Zhang, Kan. "Threshold Proxy Signature Schemes." In Information Security Workshop. Japan, 1997.
Smolkin, Rachel. "TOPAZ Nuclear Program Called Failure; GAO Report Claims Mismanagement in Tech-Transfer Effort." Rocky Mountain News (1997).
Joachims, Thorsten, Tom Mitchell, and Dayne Freitag. A tour guide for the world wide web In IJCAI97 ., 1997.
Zadeh, Lotfi A.. "Towards a theory of fuzzy information granulation and its centrality in human reasoning and fuzzy logic." Fuzzy Sets and Systems (1997): 111-127.
Lloyd-Roberts, David. "Training the armed forces to respect international humanitarian law: The perspective of the ICRC Delegate to the Armed and Security Forces of South Asia." International Review of the Red Cross 319 (1997).
Cohen, Danny, and Andreas Kemkes. Using DDM - an Application Perspective In 1997 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop (SIW) (1997), 97S-SIW-014 ., 1997.
Hall, Charles W., and Robert O’Harrow, Jr. "Virginia Man Suspected of Terrorism Known for Anonymity." The Washington Post (1997).
Boullé, Philippe, Luc Vrolijks, and Elina Palm. "Vulnerability Reduction for Sustainable Urban Development." Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management 5, no. 3 (1997): 179-188.
Ignatieff, Michael. The Warrior’s Honor. Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience . New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1997.
Boer, Monica Den. "“Wearing the Inside Out: European Police Cooperation between Internal and External Security." European Foreign Affairs Review 2 (1997): 491-508.
Garfinkel, Simson, and Gene Spafford. Web Security & Commerce. Cambridge: O’Reilly, 1997.
Bhatia, D., G. Fox, W. Furmanski, G. Premchandran, M. Camuseva, and V. Burzevski. "WebFlow - a visual programming paradigm for Web/Java based coarse grain distributed computing." Concurrency: Practice and Experience (1997).
Walt, Stephen M.. "Why Alliances Endure or Collapse." Survival 39, no. 1 (1997): 157.
Goodman, Marc D.. "Why the Police Don’t Care about Computer Crime." Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 10, no. 3 (1997): 465-494.
Назарбаев, Нурсултан A.. Евразийский союз: идеи, практика, перспективы, 1994–1997. Москвa: Фонд содействия развитию соц. и полит. наук, 1997.
Конституции Республики Польша., 1997.
