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Основы геополитики. Геополитическое будущее России. Москвa, 1999.
Совместная российско-китайская декларация, подписана в Пекине 25 апреля 1996 г. Президентом России Б.Н.Ельциным и Председателем КНР Цзян Цзэминем In Сборник российско-китайских договоров. Москва, 1999.
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Afghanistan: Mullah, Marx and Mujahid. Bouder, CO: Westview Press, 1998.
Agreement on the Multinational Peace Force South Eastern Europe. SEDM states, 1998.
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"Albania: A Case Study in the Practical Implementation of Partnership for Peace." NATO Review 46, no. 2 (1998): 22-26.
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Analysis of DYNTACS and ModSAF LOS Algorithms In 20th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces ITI '98 . Pula, Croatia, 1998.
"Analysis of the functional and real-time requirements of a Multi-Sensor Data Fusion (MSDF) / Situation and Threat Assessment (STA) / Resource Management (RM) system." In Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications II, SPIE Aerosense‘98, 198-209. Orlando, 1998.
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"Anonymous Secure e-Voting over a Network In Proceedings of the 14th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC’98). Scottsdale, AZ, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 1998.
Answering Senate Questions about NATO Enlargement In The Heritage Foundation Backgrounder., 1998.
An Approach For a Fast reduction of the Full Ignorance in the Target Identification Process In First International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion’98). Las Vegas, 1998.
An Approach for a Fast Reduction of the Full Ignorance in the Target Identification Process In the First International Conference on Multisource-Multisensor Information Fusion. Vol. 2. Las Vegas, Nevada, 1998.
An Architecture for a Combat Simulation In 20th Information Technology Interfaces Conference ITI ‘98 . Pula, 1998.
Arguing Safety – A Systematic Approach to Managing Safety Cases. University of York, 1998.
The Armenians of Iran . Cambridge, MA: Harvard Middle Eastern Monographs, 1998.
Arms Procurement Decision Making Processes. Oxford: Oxford University, 1998.
At Arm’s Length – The European Union and Europe’s Defence Industry. London: MacMillan, 1998.
Basic Principle of the Security and Defense Policy of the Republic of Hungary. Resolution of the National Assembly 94, 1998.
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