
Export 8460 results:
Krell, Gert. "Arroganz der Macht, Arroganz der Ohnmacht." Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (2003): 31-32.
Black, Ian. "Ashdown backs creation of EU Bosnia force." The Guardian (2003).
Daniel, Milan. " Associativity in Combination of belief functions; a derivation of minC combination." Soft Computing (2003): 288-296.
Barnett, Roger W.. Asymmetrical Warfare: Today’s Challenge to U.S. Military Power. Washington, D.C.: Brassey’s, 2003.
Newlove, Lindy, Eric K. Stern, and Lina Svedin. Auckland Unplugged: Coping with Critical Infrastructure Failure. Baltimore: Lexington Books, 2003.
Dorrien, Gary. "Axis of One." Christian Century (2003).
Jorgensen, Bradley. "Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y: Policy Implications for Defence Forces in the Modern Era." Foresight 5, no. 4 (2003).
Damiani, Ernesto, Sabrina De Capitan di Vimercati, Sushil Jajodia, Stefano Paraboschi, and Pierangela Samarati. "Balancing Confidentiality and Efficiency in Untrusted Relational DBMSs." In 10th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security. USA, 2003.
Orr, Dale L.. "The Benelux Deployable Air Task Force: A Model for EU/ NATO Defence Force Integration." Air & Space Power Journal 17, no. 3 (2003): 93-98.
Verton, Dan. Black Ice: The Invisible Threat of Cyber-Terrorism . New York: McGraw-Hill Osborne, 2003.
Katik, Mevlut. Blue Stream’s Pipeline’s Future in Doubt Amid Russian Turkish Pricing Dispute. , 2003.
Albright, David, and Holly Higgins. "A Bomb for the Ummah." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 59, no. 2 (2003): 49-55.
Kraske, Marion, Christian Neef, and Jan Puhl. "Boom in Bakschikistan." Der Spiegel (2003).
Ahmetasevic, Nidzara. Bosnia: Sex Slave Recounts Her Ordeal. Thousands of young women are still being held as sex slaves across the country despite the authorities’ efforts to stamp out the trade. Sarajevo: Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 2003.
Record, Jeffrey. Bounding the Global War on Terrorism. Strategic Studies Institute, U. S. Army War College, Carlisle, PA, 2003.
The Brahimi Report. United Nations Secretary General, 2003.
Cooper, Robert. The Breaking of Nations: Order and Chaos in the Twenty-first Century. London: Atlantic Books, 2003.
Gordon, Philip H.. "Bridging the Atlantic Divide." Foreign Affairs 82, no. 3 (2003): 70-83; quoted passages at 79, 83.
Barysch, Katinka. "Britain and the Euro: How to Reap the Benefits." In Policy Brief . London: Centre for European Reform, 2003.
Tagarev, Todor. "Bulgarian Armed Forces and National Security Policy: Shaping the Security Environment in South East Europe." In Almost NATO: Partners and Players in Central and Eastern European Security, 119-155. Charles Krupnick (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003), 2003.
The Bulgarian Navy – New Missions, Roles and Capabilities In 2nd International Conference “The Bulgarian Navy – New Missions, Roles and Capabilities. Riviera Resort, Varna, Bulgaria: AFCEA-Varna , 2003.
Lyutzkanov, Emil. The Bulgarian Navy – New Missions, Roles and Capabilities In Second AFCEA-Varna International Conference. Varna, 2003.
Gramm, Dr. Christoph. "Bundeswehr als Luftpolizei: Aufgabenzuwachs ohne Verfas-sungsänderung?" Neue Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht (2003): 89-101.
Blettner, Annette. "Bundeswehr Einsatz in Afghanistan." Deutschland (2003): 58-61.
Ignatieff, Michael. "The Burden." New York Times Magazine (2003): 162.
