
Export 8460 results:
Levi, Jean-Daniel, and Hughes Verdier. De L’Arsenal à L’Entreprise. Paris: Albin Michel, 2004.
Ulvila, Jacob W., and John E. Gaffney, Jr. "A Decision Analysis Method for Evaluating Computer Intrusion Detection Systems." Decision Analysis 1, no. 1 (2004): 35-50.
Defence and Security Sector Governance and Reform in South East Europe Self-Assessment Studies: Regional Perspectives. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004.
Norton-Taylor, Richard. "Defence Chief Warns Forces are Overstretched." The Guardian (2004).
On Defense and Hungarian Defense Forces. Law of the National Assembly, CV/2004 , 2004.
Dyer, Gwynne. "Defining Iraq war image conveys ugly symbolism." Bangor Daily News (2004).
Delivering Security in a Changing World. Vol. 1. Defence White Paper 1., 2004.
Rotar, Igor. "Demographics, Borders Complicate Anti-Terrorism Efforts in Central Asia." Eurasia Daily Monitor (2004).
Steinkamm, Armin A.. "Der “Irak-Krieg:” Eine Herausforderung an das Völkerrecht." Wissenschaft & Sicherheit (2004).
Beck, Ulrich. Der kosmopolitische Blick, oder Krieg ist Frieden. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2004.
González-Lloret, Marta. "Designing Task-Based Call to Promote Interaction: En Busca de Esmeraldas." Language Learning and Technology 7, no. 1 (2004): 86-104.
Gorbenko, Anatoly, Peter Popov, Alexander Romanovsky, Artem Boyarchuk, and Vyacheslav Kharchenko. "Development of Dependable Web Services out of Undependable Web Components." Technical Report CS-TR (Newcastle: School of Computing Science (2004).
Smith, John. The Development of Response Forces in NATO and the EU and the Evolving NATO-EU Relationship. NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Committee Reports, 2004 Annual Session , 2004.
Strohm, Chris. "DHS Scraps Computer Pre-Screening System, Starts Over." Government Executive Online (2004).
King, Gilbert. Dirty Bomb: Weapons of Mass Disruption. New York: Chamberlain Bros, 2004.
Rasulov, Sergei. "Diversanty Unichtozhayut Dagestanskih Militsionerov (Saboteurs Destroy Dagestani Policemen)." Gazeta (2004).
Warner, Ted. DOD’s Ongoing Efforts to Implement Capabilities-Based Planning In Monterey Strategy Seminar on Capabilities-Based Defense Planning: Building a 21st Century Force . Monterey, CA: Center for Contemporary Conflict and the Cebrowski Institute for Information Innovation and Superiority, 2004.
Abramowitz, Morton. "Does Iraq Matter?" The National Interest 75 (2004).
Brinkley, Joel. "Dollars for Democracy?: U.S. Aid to Ukraine Challenged." The New York Times (2004).
Katz, Mark. "Don’t Dismiss China’s Daqing Oil Pipeline." Asia Times Online (2004).
Farah, Douglas. Draining Terror’s Financial Swamps. The Middle East Forum, 2004.
Duczinski, Guy. Effects-Based Operations: A Guide for Practitioners In presented to the 9th International Command and Control Research and Technlogy Symposium. Copenhagen, 2004.
Tzeng, Wen-Guey. "Efficient 1-Out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Schemes with Universally Usable Parameters." IEEE Transactions on Computers 53, no. 2 (2004): 232-240.
Zhao, Yong. The e-Language Learning Project: Conceptualizing a Web-based Language Learning System In A White Paper . East Lansing, MI: College of Education, Michigan State University, 2004.
Director, Office of Force T.. Elements of Defense Transformation. Washington, DC, 2004.
