
Export 8460 results:
Chouinard, Paul, and I. Wood. "The Department of National Defence Strategic Cost Model: Development." In DRDC CORA TR., 2007.
Anderson, Perry. "Depicting Europe." London Review of Books 29, no. 18 (2007).
LEHMANN, Tobias. A Description Logics View on PMESII Classification in Afghanistan., 2007.
Nakabayashi, Kiyoshi, Takahide Hoshide, Masanobu Hosokawa, Taichi Kawakami, and Kazuo Sato. Design and Implementation of a Mobile Learning Environment as an Extension of SCORM 2004 Specifications. Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007), 2007.
Landay, Jonathan S.. "Dispute Delays Arms Control Talks with Moscow." McClatchy Newspapers Washington Bureau (2007).
DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms., 2007.
DoD Privacy Program. Department of Defense, 2007.
Lacina, Bethany. "Does Counterinsurgency Theory Apply in Northeast India?" India Review 6, no. 3 (2007): 174.
Cohen, Ariel. Domestic Factors Driving Russia’s Foreign Policy In Backgrounder. The Heritage Foundation, 2007.
Draft Law on the Protection of the Freedom of the Press In Bundestag print., 2007.
C., Karlof, Shankar U., Tygar J.D., and Wagner D.. Dynamic Pharming Attacks and the Locked Same Origin Policies For Web Browsers In Proc. of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security., 2007.
Paramanov, Vladimir, and Alexey Strokov. Economic Involvement of Russia and China in Central Asia. Swindon: Conflict Studies Research Centre, Defense Academy of UK, 2007.
Roda, M.. "Edukacja bilingwalna w Polsce na tle innych krajów Unii Europejskiej." In Nauczanie języków obcych. Polska a Europa, 51-58. Warsaw: Academica SWPS, 2007.
Donnet, LTC. "EEAW: Embryonic Component of Future European Air Combat?" Tribune (2007).
Torpy, Glenn. "Effective Air Command and Control." RUSI Defence Systems (2007): 54-56.
C., Ludl, McAllister S., Kirda E., and Kruegel C.. On the Effectiveness of Techniques to Detect Phishing Sites. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
Kim, Jin Ki, Raj Sharman, Raghav H. Rao, and S. Upadhyaya. "Efficiency of Critical Incident Management Systems: Instrument Development and Validation." Decision Support Systems 44 (2007): 235-250.
Egypt’s Sinai Question. Cairo/Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2007.
Winbourne, Jeffrey, and Velizar Shalamanov. "Emergency Management Pillar of the Civil Security: Practical Approach." Security Issues (2007).
Miller, Greg. "Emergency Rule in Pakistan; Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal a U.S. Worry." Los Angeles Times (2007): A10.
Kagan, Robert. "End of Dreams, Return of History." Policy Review 143 (2007): 5.
Mackby, Jenifer, and Edward Ifft. "The End of START." Washington Post (2007).
Dandeker, Christopher. "The End of War? The Strategic Context of International Missions in the 21st Century." In Eight Essays in Contemporary War Studies. Stockholm: Förvarshögskolan, 2007.
Souleimanov, Emil. An Endless War: The Russian-Chechen Conflict in Perspective. Frankurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2007.
Energy Security Strategy In by the DoD Energy Security Task Force. U.S. Department of Defense’s, 2007.
