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The Security of the Black Sea Region in the Context of NATO’s Expansion: Opportunities for Cooperation(link is external) In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2005.
Analysis and evaluation of the system for civil protection and reaction in crisis situations: White Paper on the Civil Protection of the Republic of Bulgaria(link is external) In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2004.
Architectural approach to planning communications and information systems for crisis management(link is external) In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2004.
"C4ISR in Navy Transformation Role, Joint Research and Advanced Technology Demonstrations(link is external)." Information & Security: An International Journal 13 (2004): 35-47.
Progress and Problems in Security Sector reform in Western Balkans: Is there a Universal Solution?" In Security Sector Governance in the Western Balkans 2004, 51-66. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004.
"Study of the operational performance of field modules for crisis management and planning for field demonstrations(link is external) In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2004.
Transforming the Security Sector in the Context of the Euroatlantic Integration. Developing Capabilities for Effective Contribution to NATO." In Bulgaria’s Roadmap to NATO beyond Prague, 68-85. Sofia: Institute for Euroatlantic Security, 2004.
"C4ISR Program Management in the Security Sector Transformation: Key Area of Defense(link is external) In International Workshop “Strategic Defence Review – Economic Dimensions. Ribaritza, Bulgaria, 2003.
Civil-Military and Interagency Cooperation in the Security Sector in Bulgaria." In Security Sector Reform – Does It Work?: Problems of Civil-Military and Interagency Cooperation in the Security Sector, 79-114. Geneva: DCAF-GCMA, 2003.
""Importance of a Knowledge-Based, Network-Centric Approach in Strengthening Transatlantic Links with New NATO Members in South Eastern Europe." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 3 (2003): 65-75.
Integrated Defense Management Model in the Context of the Strategic Defense Review(link is external)." Security Focus Newsletter 1, no. 2 (2003).
"Managing Resources for Defence and Security(link is external)." In Programme of Integration of the Republic of Bulgaria into NATO, edited by Konstantin Dimitrov and Velizar Shalamanov. Sofia: Institute for Euroatlantic Security, 2003.
"Perspectives for Cooperation in Defense and Security(link is external)." International Relations 4 (2003): 53-62 .
"Security Sector Reform – Does It Work? Problems of Civil-Military and Interagency Cooperation in the Security Sector (link is external). Geneva/Sofia: DCAF and GCMA, 2003.
Security Sector Reform – Does It Work?: Problems of Civil-Military and Interagency Cooperation in the Security Sector. Geneva/Sofia: DCAF and GCMA, 2003.
Activities and Problems in the Bulgarian Ministry of Defence Concerning NATO Enlargement." In International Workshop on Transparency of Defence Resource’s Planning and Budgeting: National and Euroatlantic Dimensions, 92-102. Sofia: University Publishing Stopanstvo, 2002.
"Model of Defense Management of the Republic of Bulgaria in the 21st Century(link is external). George C. Marshall Association-Bulgaria, 2002.
"’Practices of Security Sector Reform in Europe–the Case of Bulgaria‘." The Challenges of Security Sector Reform in Macedonia 12 (2002): 6-7.
Reshaping Bulgarian Armed Forces for the 21st Century." In Bulgaria for NATO 2002. Sofia: Institute for Regional and International Studies, 2002.
"The role of civilians in national security structures–Bulgarian experience In Seminar: Civilians in National Security Policy and National Security Structures. Budapest, 2002.
"C4 Common Technical Architecture Development Coordination Group." Information & Security: An International Journal 6 (2001): 153-156.
"C4ISR in Modernizing Security Sector in Bulgaria and South-Eastern Europe." Information & Security: An International Journal 6 (2001): 7-22.
Cornerstones of Bulgarian Security and Defence Policy(link is external), Edited by Velizar Shalamanov. Sofia: Ministry of Defence, 2001.
NATO Membership Readiness Indicator. Sofia: George C. Marshall-Bulgaria with the Atlantic Club in Bulgaria, 2001.
"Lessons of Transition in Bulgarian Security and Defense." Information & Security: An International Journal 5 (2000): 9-19.