Philip Spassov IntroductionShort CVInsert CV here Full profileThis is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc. Publications Tekiyo Horei to Tousya no Kangaekata [Applicable Legislations to Line Co., Ltd. and Our Idea]. LINE Co., Ltd., 2021. Kurosakatatsuya. Mail Naiyo wo Yomitoru Interest Match Kokoku ga Butsugi [Interest Match Advertisements Associated with Mail Contents Cause a Controversy]. Diamond Online, 2012. Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications(BEREC). Report on OTT Services., 2016. Grünwald, Andreas, and Christoph Nüßing. German Court: Google’s Gmail is a Regulated Telecoms Service. Morrison & Foerster LLP, 2015. European Parliament. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing the European Electronic Communications Code., 2016. Kuner, Christopher. "The Internet and the Global Reach of EU Law." 4 LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers 20 (2017). New Rules, Wider Reach: The Extraterritorial Scope of the GDPR In Slaughter and May., 2016. BEREC. Response to the ePrivacy Directive Questionnaire., 2016. European Data Protection Supervisor(EDPS). EDPS Opinion on the Proposal for a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications (ePrivacy Regulation)., 2017. Opinion 01/2017 on the Proposed Regulation for the ePrivacy Regulation (2002/ 58/EC), 17/EN WP 247 In Article 29 Data Protection Working Party. European Commission, 2017. Itakura, Yoichiro. Oshu Iinkai Dokkinho Ikigai Tekiyou [The European Commission Implements the Extraterritorial Application in Competition Law]. FACTA Online, 2015. Ishikawa, Tomoya. "Big Data Business to Kojin Jyoho Hogo [Big Data Business and Protection of Personal Data]." Asahi Judiciary (2013). Takahashi, Haruo. Big Data Hosei no Kokusai Hikaku [Comparison of Legal Framework of Big Data]. KDDI Research Institute, 2013. MIC. Heisei 28 Nen Jyoho Tsushin Media no Riyou Jikan to Jyoho Koudou ni Kansuru Chosa [Research for the Length of Time and Behavior to Use Communication Media]., 2017. MIC. Tsushin Riyou Dokou Chosa [Research for the Use of Telecommunication]., 2016. Dai 189 Kai Kokkai Kaigiroku Sangiin Naikaku Iinkai & Zaisei Kinyu Iinkai Rengou Shinsa Dai 1 Gou [The Diet Record in the 189th session of the Diet, House of Councillors, the Cabinet Office & the Financial Committee Vol.1]. House of Councilors in the National Diet of Japan. Kuner, Christopher. "Data Protection Law and International Jurisdiction on the Internet." International Journal of Law and Information Technology 19, no. 3 (2010): 227, 239. Board, European Data Prote. Guidelines 3/2018 on the Territorial Scope of the GDPR (Article 3) - Version for Public Consultation. Vol. 19., 2018. Tagawa, Yoshihiro. "Internet Riyou ni okeru Tsushin no Himitsu [Secrecy of communication in the Use of the Internet]." Science of Information Security 5, no. 1 (2013): 33. Georgiev, Venelin. Comparative Analysis of Models for Assessing the Maturity of Cybersecurity Capabilities In IT4Sec Reports., 2021. ENISA. CSIRT Maturity - Self-assessment Tool., 2021. ENISA. NCSS: Practical Guide on Development and Execution., 2021. International Telecommunication Union(ITU). The Global Cybersecurity Index., 2018. Institute of Internal Auditors. Internal audit capability model (IA-CM) for the public sector: overview and application guide. Altamonte Springs, 2009. National Capabilities Assessment Framework. European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), 2020. Pages« първа ‹ предишна … 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 … следваща › последна »